Category: First Person

First Person

A writer’s home

The story of how I became a writer starts with Greta deJong and the first time I walked through the door of a big pink

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First Person

First and Last responders

One family’s experience working the pandemic. Watching my 21-year-old getting ready to go off to work at an area hospital emergency department as the pandemic

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First Person

Echoes and gatekeepers

Is remembering enough? I see echoes. There is a line of demarcation in my life. There is a before, when the future occupied the bulk

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First Person

Auto biography

Conversation is more important than steering the beast Two months after I stopped driving, I decided I wanted to be a Lyft driver. I had

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First Person

Walking to work

Soften your gaze, empty your mind and the loud city will go quiet Most mornings, I step out my front door and wonder how the

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Elegy For an Open Space

A nature is about to give way to warehouses, a poet pays homage to the antelope, raptors and shorebirds whose habitat, the northwest quadrant of

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First Person

First Person: Full Circle

by You: the Reader A collection of first-person, non-fiction essays written by you, the CATALYST reader. First Person was a popular occasional column that ran

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