Good ideas for daily living.
Editors Notebook
Now it’s time to leap: Greta says goodbye (1982-2020)
“You can type. You can get a job with the phone company!” My dad, troubled that his almost-40-year-old daughter was
December 1, 2020
Profile of a Goddess
One last (print) run: reader comments on the news of Greta’s retirement and the end of CATALYST in print
In mid-October we launched our campaign inviting you, the reader, to help us financially to bring this final issue to
December 1, 2020
On the Cover
Soul sisters: Greta Belanger deJong and Kate Edwards
Greta and I have certainly been soul sisters since before time began, but in terms of this particular lifetime, we
December 1, 2020
Enviro Update
Sacred places and protected land: The Utah Bioregional Reader series, Part Three
I came to realize that one factor in particular—the search for something beyond normal experience—characterizes life in the Great Basin.
November 30, 2020
Enviro Update
Obituary for Great Salt Lake: Even lakes are not immortal.
Great Salt Lake experienced her final glimmering sunset today, succumbing to a long struggle with chronic diversions exacerbated by climate
November 30, 2020
Profile of a Goddess
Our millennial speaks: What feels like the end is really a beginning
The last time I took a giant leap like this, I was 23 years old and had just started working
November 30, 2020