Meet your community here!

Victoria Fugit, CATALYST co‑founder: 1942-2022
At a SLC roller rink in 1978, I saw a young man skating alone, with a cane. He was blind.
September 6, 2022

Urban Almanac
Urban Almanac: September 2022
A compilation of daily discoveries, wisdom, and resources for creative living for September 2022
September 1, 2022

Urban Almanac: May 2022
A compilation of daily discoveries, wisdom, and resources for creative living for May 2022
May 1, 2022

Enviro Update
Obituary for Great Salt Lake: Even lakes are not immortal.
Great Salt Lake experienced her final glimmering sunset today, succumbing to a long struggle with chronic diversions exacerbated by climate
November 30, 2020

Whispers of wonderful melodies: Community radio DJ Sohrab Mafi hopes to elevate human consciousness through music
The door to the former bank vault is slightly ajar. In the adjoining, low-ceilinged room, Sohrab Mafi stands below a
November 30, 2020

Why are some communities still struggling? Tax rates, climate gentrification and affordability
In the two previous articles in this series we discussed how environmental justice is geographically driven and how redlining established
November 30, 2020