Aquarium Age, Blogs

The Aquarium Age: June 6-12

By Ralfee Finn

A steady hum of constant conversation underscores almost every activity of daily life this week—and you won’t even have to listen closely to notice it. But because so much is being said by so many, you’ll have to listen carefully to catch the important information.

It’s not that these conversations are generally disruptive, although some of them could be seen that way; it’s that they are packed with so much information that even the most fearless of data-gatherers and processors are apt to get dizzy from simply trying to keep track. Some of us may feel bombarded by a deluge of the trivial, while others of us will find themselves listening with sensitive ears that are able to pick up the deeper subtext. Wherever you find your ears along this frequency, do your best to find a neutral internal stance that allows you to hear without necessarily reacting to or judging what’s being said. Some of these conversations are nervous interactions meant to fill time. In some instances, you or those close to you could simply be discharging, oblivious to the power of words. At other times, some of us might simply be thinking out loud, which could be disconcerting for both the speaker and the listener if either one takes what’s said too seriously. And of course there will also be cases of serious heart-to-heart exchanges that will move the soul to a new, expansive understanding of just how complex it is to be a spirit in the material world.

The source of this celestial emphasis on conversation is a concentration of planets in Gemini, the Sign of communication. Although the astronomical “transit of Venus” is behind us, from an astrological perspective we’re still in the midst of a Sun/Venus conjunction that lasts until June 11. When the Sun and Venus share the same space, their perfect marriage blends the illumination of spirit with individual values. Anticipate lots of talk about what matters most, and why. Also expect that many of those conversations will veer into discussions on a wide range of subjects from the financial to the spiritual and everything in between. Anticipate plenty of opinions whether or not the “opinionator” is qualified to assess the situation. Of course, that seems to be the standard these days; do your best to be patient as you attempt to correct the facts.

Jupiter is the other contributor to the chatter, idle or otherwise. It enters Gemini on June 11, and its presence in the Sign of contact and connection is certain to set tongues wagging on every subject imaginable. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and even though that will scatter the topics of conversation over a broad spectrum, because it also symbolizes the search for truth, many communiqués are also sure to be thoughtful.

Much of what’s said will also be funny. Among its many meanings, Jupiter also signifies humor, so be prepared for the laughs to be plentiful. And that’s a good thing, given the serious undertone of the Uranus/Pluto square – but more about that next week.

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.

Aries March 21-April 19

Jupiter is moving into your Solar House of communication, making words even more powerful this week than they were last week. Strong urges to say more than necessary could cause problems, so stay circumspect.

Taurus April 20-May 20

When Jupiter enters Gemini, you enter an entirely new financial cycle. This happens every twelve years. Contemplate what’s shifted since then, and integrate that information into future choices.

Gemini May 21-June 21

Get ready to get talking, and don’t worry about talking too much – Jupiter is taking the lead and there’s simply no way to hold back. Not everyone will listen, but that doesn’t matter – you’re gonna say it anyway.

Cancer June 22-July 22

Jupiter enters your Solar House of psyche, opening a wide portal to your imagination. Rather than allowing that opening to stimulate your anxieties, use its presence to spark your spiritual search.

Leo July 23-August 22

Jupiter is opening new doors that could make you feel increasingly optimistic about making more of a contribution to your community. Follow this lead, and you won’t be disappointed in the results.

Virgo August 23-September 22

As Jupiter moves to the your Solar House of career, opportunities for expansion and success should increase. Be prepared for positive opportunities that speak to your heart’s desire.

Libra September 23-October 22

Jupiter reinforces what you’re already experiencing as a strong desire to explore. Again, it doesn’t matter whether those horizons are internal or external; what matters is that you seize the moment.

Scorpio October 23-November 21

Jupiter enters your Solar House of transformation, and its presence is sure to put you through a few changes. Rather than resent the shifts, welcome them with a smile –Jupiter tends to provoke growth through humor.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21

The relationship beat goes on as Jupiter moves into your Solar House of partnership. Although the beginning of this transit could be bumpy, you just might find yourself enjoying the ride.

Capricorn December 22-January 19

Jupiter moves into your Solar House of service, so don’t be surprised if you feel a strong desire to contribute your time and energy to a noble cause. Just be sure to choose and endeavor that brings you joy.

Aquarius January 20-February 18

Lucky you: Jupiter enters your Solar House of creativity, self-expression, and romance. There’s no need to limit its influence to one area, which means you can use its expansive reach to have as much fun as possible.

Pisces February 19-March 20

Jupiter enters your Solar House of the home, and whether you experience its presence internally or externally, where you live is sure to be the place where you want to hunker down and get cozy.

Ralfee Finn specializes in Transformational Astrology. For readings, call 1-888-937-9264, write P.O. Box 343, New York, NY 10025, visit, or e-mail Copyright © 2012 by Ralfee Finn

This article was originally published on June 6, 2012.