Aquarium Age, Blogs

The Aquarium Age: June 11-17

By Ralfee Finn

It’s another week of retro-fatigue here on Planet Earth. Mercury began its second retrograde phase of 2014 on June 7, and as it reviews its recent past, many of us are likely to review ours. Unfortunately, this retrospective occurs at the end of nearly six months of other retrograde episodes—Venus and Mars dominated the 2014 planetary reassessment. And as a result of this prolonged rehashing of the past, the current Mercury Retrograde has the power to turn moods sour and attitudes dour, which could incite some of us to turn on each other.

Especially those caught in their own private Groundhog Day of repetitive patterns they can’t seem to escape. Don’t be surprised if you’re tired. It’s as if our brains, individual and collective—or at least mine—can’t stand one more moment of reflection on situations that are already as processed as Velveeta but just won’t budge. Be aware that this is the week you’re likely to turn to that ‘special’ someone, who keeps repeating the same story ad nauseam, and shout, even if it’s sotto voce, “Just stop it.”

This Mercury Retrograde chapter lasts until July 1. Mercury symbolizes all things related to communication and travel, and when it seemingly moves in reverse, we experience miscommunication as well as delays and detours. Expect to repeat yourself many more times than you would like to, and anticipate extraordinary frustration when no one seems to listen.

But Mercury Retrograde is not the main mood-altering influence of the week. Mars is the prime motivator during Mercury’s review. Over the course of the next two weeks, Mars squares Pluto. This is a fractious interaction that is exact and separating on June 14. Try not to get pulled into squabbles, big or small, because under this Mars/Pluto square they all have the potential to escalate into full-blown battles. Mars also opposes Uranus, which is exact and separating on June 25. This opposition makes breaking up all too easy. So before you give back the ring or tear up the partnership agreement, take a deep breath and consider the consequences of your actions. You are certain to regret hasty action in the morning.

As Mars triggers these Pluto and Uranus, the two uber change agents, it reactivates the intensity of April, making many of us revisit events that occurred during the build up and release of the Grand Cardinal Cross of April 21. Pay attention to your relationships, personal and professional. Mars is planning its exit strategy: It’s been in Libra since December 2013 and moves into Scorpio on July 25, which is not that far away. And as it tidies up the loose ends of its long transit through the Sign of relating, many of us are certain to address lingering relationship issues that haven’t quite been woven into the fabric of daily life.

A commitment to consciousness also requires a commitment to integrating awareness into applied action. During the nearly six month retrograde slog of 2014, lots of us have resisted the temptation to go unconscious, yet some have slipped into old habits that sustain denial. These next several weeks would not be the weeks to disassociate. Instead, make a concerted effort to put selfish interests aside. Drop the demands of petty grievances as well, and join the ranks of those practicing patience. As hard as it is to remember, especially in this crazy world where too many people are losing their grip, we are all traveling this path together. The greater our effort to help each other, the greater our opportunities for peace; so even though it has become a cliché, be the change you want to see in the world.

There are no Sun Bursts this week.

And I will be off the grid for the next four weeks.
See you back here on July 9.

Ralfee Finn specializes in Transformational Astrology. For readings, call 1-888-937-9264, write P.O. Box 343, New York, NY 10025, visit, or e-mail
Copyright © 2014 by Ralfee Finn

This article was originally published on June 13, 2014.