Aquarium Age, Blogs

The Aquarium Age: Dec. 16-22

By Ralfee Finn

We’re in the final stretch of a too-long year and these last two weeks of 2015 unfold with a pace so erratic that even the most experienced marathoner is likely to be gasping for breath midway through the race. Those uninitiated in long-distance running will need to find a comfortable stride that permits a modicum of consistency when managing the regular routines of daily life—multitasking at warp-speed won’t be possible, if only because the energy expenditure requires too much effort. It’s hard defying gravity when dimensions are bumping into each other.

What’s more, the week’s irregular rhythms unsettle nervous systems and disturb sleep patterns. Don’t be surprised if you think you’re awake when you’re actually asleep, and also anticipate not being able to sleep at all. The uneven pulse coupled with the potential for sleep deprivation could turn you and more than a few fellow travelers “cranky pants.” So when possible try not to react to the reactive. Instead, breathe deeply and do your best to soften any hard edges. And as always, practice kindness whenever possible.

Uranus is the source of the uneven tempo. Retrograde since July 26, Uranus goes direct on Christmas Day—a surprising and perhaps startling gift from the sky! The thing about Uranus “course corrections”—direct or retrograde—is that they resemble Mercury Retrograde, at least from a techno point of view. Uranus has everything to do with computers, the Internet and all things related to online presence. So don’t be surprised if you want to throw your computer into the bushes, smash your stupid phone, or go back to a paper calendar.

Over the next nine days as Uranus “slows down,” so will certain situations, especially the ones you want to “hurry up.” And because Uranus signifies twists of fate and startling reversals of fortune, new developments could actually accelerate normally slow procedures. This is why from this week until the beginning of the New Year, the pace of daily life feels increasingly unstable, unpredictable, and uncertain. Expect tizzies, yours or others’, and also anticipate more than an occasional case of the jitters. Uranus also symbolizes the nervous system, and lots of us are going to feel its forward motion through our bodies, even when we are trying to sit still. Be especially compassionate with children, who often feel the intensities without any way of contextualizing what’s happening to them—Christmas already sends waves of excitement through those still forming nervous systems, and handling the additional Uranian currents won’t be easy.

The Winter Solstice occurs on Monday, December 21, at 8:48 PM PST. The chart for this celestial event contains a Grand Trine in Earth, symbolizing the potential for the grounded, practical application of transformational ideas. (Yes, I am interpreting from a highly positive perspective, but…hey…why not aim for the best?) The Moon for the Solstice chart is in the Sign of Taurus, a deeply creative Sign that thrives on the embodiment of values. That Taurus Moon trines both Jupiter, in Virgo, as well as Mercury, in Capricorn—and this is very good news. (And we need it.) Jupiter is the planet of great good fortune and when it forms a favorable alliance with the Moon, reservoirs of kindness and joy fill without much effort. It’s the perfect signature for a season of goodwill.

But here’s the best part: Both Jupiter and the Moon are in mutual alliance with Mercury, the symbol for language, communication and all mental processes. The entire bundle indicates the potential for conscious choices coupled with the capacity to express opinions and ideas with respect and empathy for the listener, even if the listener disagrees. And there’s more: Mercury conjuncts Pluto, Pluto trines the Moon, and the Moon pulls Jupiter into the Pluto mix. (Yes…that is a wow!) A Mercury/Pluto conjunction signifies the capacity for transformational thinking; it also indicates the power to persuade. When it combines with the Moon and Jupiter, those persuasive powers become superpowers. And while superpowers can be used for any and all purposes, the positive thrust of this Grand Trine leans toward using those powers for good. Genuine diplomacy is a manifestation of the best qualities of this combination of influences.

The Moon, in Taurus, opposes Venus, in Scorpio, indicating that as part of the coming year we will be attempting to identify the various facets of the Feminine. For example, what constitutes the qualities of the maternal principle symbolized by the Moon? What constitutes the qualities of the free and independent Feminine, symbolized by Venus, who wants to spend her currency on artistic and creative endeavors? These are not mutually exclusive principles, but they are nevertheless different and distinct aspects of the Feminine.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the days before and after the Winter Solstice are the darkest days of the year. They are days made for inward reflection and quiet contemplation, days best spent gathering inner strength and fortitude in much the same way the roots of trees and plants gather strength during the cold winter months. Solstice means “standstill” and the chilly stillness of the season is preparation for the renewal of spring and its affirmation of life. Try to spend this week and the week that follows thinking about how to gather your inner strength and replenish your reserves. This won’t be an easy task given the Uranian lightning bolts that are probable, but don’t let that stop you. Some of those bolts from the blue have the potential to amplify positive superpowers. Most importantly, take the time to care for others, even if you can only afford to lend a momentary helping hand and you never see the results of your compassion. Every act of kindness makes a difference.

Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries March 21-April 19
Seize this professional moment and make the most of it by appreciating your position, having gratitude for all that’s come before, and by recognizing all the help that’s been a part of the process. Continue to show up and stay present even if certain situations are challenging, and allow this successful phase to unfold.

Taurus April 20-May 20
You have complete permission to shine your light as brightly as possible and to feel confident that your presence is deeply appreciated. Of course, there are bound to be emotional moments, but that’s nothing to worry about. Remember, you gotta feel to heal. And that’s just what you’re doing—healing places deep within by simply being yourself.

Gemini May 21-June 21
You’re recalibrating your internal compass so that you can better define the parameters of your search for a deeper level of understanding. I realize that sounds esoteric, but you’re no slouch when it comes to ideas. This is a discovery process and all attempts to control the outcome are sure to fail. So take a deep breath and enjoy the ride.

Cancer June 22-July 22
Commit to a process that will help you to better align your relationships, personal as well as professional, with your highest spiritual aspirations. This isn’t about joining a nunnery. This phase is about making a greater effort to integrate, apply, and coordinate your deepest values with the small and big decisions you make daily about how to live.

Leo July 23-August 22
Be clear about your professional aspirations—and be ambitious. Don’t let false modesty or exaggerated pride influence how you go about achieving your goals. Do your best to weed out ego-based intentions that will only backfire in the long run. Instead, devise plans that include feedback from team members already aligned with the bigger picture.

Virgo August 23-September 22
You’re in a profoundly innovative phase with the potential to move you into new directions. Take advantage of this opportunity by giving yourself permission to concentrate on personal growth. Yes, I realize you want to care for others, but most, if not all those you hold dear want to see you flourish by taking good care of yourself, first.

Libra September 23-October 22
Use this cosmic moment for home improvements, and while it would be easy to spend this cosmic currency on externals—new blankets, new dishes, or a new addition to the house—the best use of this magic moment would be to refine your internal home. Consider a new meditation practice or a dream workshop—any practice that will deepen awareness.

Scorpio October 23-November 21
It’s all about relationship, especially what it is you desire in a partnership. Keep in mind, this includes all relationships, including your relationship with yourself. Begin by noticing how you take care of yourself. Do you make time for self-care? Are you mired in self-judgment? Whatever your behavior, modifying it with love will help transform old patterns.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Be bold, and accept the challenge of success. That’s right…there are plenty of opportunities to expand the boundaries of your professional universe. Whether it is a new idea for a book or promoting one already on the shelves—or any other career pursuit—have at it. And if you’re not interested in pursuing professional goals, simply enjoy this expansive phase.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
There are a number of creative ideas for you to choose from. While at first glance you may feel overwhelmed by the choices, as you pay closer attention you will feel drawn to certain subjects and processes. Be sure to listen closely to your heart as you make your decisions—there’s no need to be practical and there’s every need to be happy and satisfied.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
Rather than spend this expansive moment on trivial pursuits, spend more than a minute contemplating what it is you most want to create, not just for yourself, but also for your significant others, personal and professional. Take the time to sort through the options, and you’ll find it easier to make authentic choices that are beneficial for everyone.

Pisces February 19-March 20
The emphasis is on refining and strengthening your communication with loved ones, whether they are family members, professional associates, or close personal friends. Use this phase to identify what’s important to you as well as to those you care about, and then apply that information to the way you engage in dialogue and conversation.

Ralfee Finn specializes in Transformational Astrology. For readings, call 1-212-222-3232, write P.O. Box 343, New York, NY 10025, visit, or e-mail
Copyright © 2015 by Ralfee Finn

This article was originally published on December 17, 2015.