Editor’s Notebook

The 2019 Bee Fest had everyone buzzing

By Greta Belanger deJong

A big thank you to all who made our June 15 event wonderful: the exhibitors, vendors, speakers, greeters, heavy lifters, go-fers, poets, gardeners, costume contestants, photographers and the powerhouse team that ran the children’s area. Thank you to the pollinators! And the weather? Perfect!   It was a day for making butterfly waterers and mason bee hotels; tasting honey, sneaking up on native bees, befriending spiders, shopping for seeds and plants, getting inspired to start a hive or learning to troubleshoot the one(s) you have. It was a day for learning, smiling, appreciating.



Slow Food Utah, founder: Honey Bee Festival 2011

Site host: Wasatch Community Gardens (James Loomis & crew)

Financial support: The Mayor’s ACE Fund; Richards Brandt Miller and Nelson (law firm)

In-kind contributors: Utah Arts Alliance, Perennial Favorites, Lowell Construction, Coffee Garden, Water and Wellness, Elizabeth Brown/Gypsy Gold Screen Printing;

Harpist: Linsey Lesser

Bee art car: the Hammonds

Photography: Addie Ryder, Anna Zumwalt, Sam Crump

Heavy lifters: Max Mottonen, Miles Mottonen, Justin Johnson, more!

Presenters & tour guides: James Loomis, Zaia Loomis, Jme Bonfiglio, Beuna Tomalino, Molly Barnewitz, Ellen Eiriksson, Peter Somers, Susie Goodspeed, Denise Hunsaker (and poets Joel Long, Melissa Bond)

CATALYST Staff, interns and participating board members: John deJong, Sophie Silverstone, Polly Mottonen, Greta deJong, Pax Rasmussen, Anna Albertsen, Adelina Whitten, Tristan Gritton, Sara Ta, Katie Wagner, Naomi Silverstone, Barry Scholl

(Apologies to any whose names were inadvertently left out; you are still appreciated!)


This article was originally published on July 1, 2019.