On the Cover, Regulars and Shorts

On the Cover: September 2013

By Staff

The cover this month is by Tanya Doskova.

Tanya Doskova, a native of Bulgaria who now lives in British Columbia, drew crowds at the Park City Arts Festival with her provocative imagery. Known for her sociopolitical slant, the works stand alone as modern folk tales.

She received her Master of Arts degree in Printmaking from The National Academy Of Arts, the Faculty of Fine Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria. Tanya worked in U2 and Ridley Scott’s post-production house “The Mill” as well as in Jim Henson’s Creature Shop and “Double Negative” in England, and for Rainmaker Entertainment in Canada, creating special effects for the Hollywood motion pictures and TV series “Babe Pig in the City,” “Pitch Black” and “Action Man.”TanyaDoskova photo

Doskova has received numerous awards in recognition of her artistic achievements including the Award of Excellence in the 2010 Communication Arts Illustration Annual Competition. This prestigious American award and the publication of her images in Communication Arts Magazine gave her worldwide exposure and recognition.

This month’s cover image, “The Exodus” (digital oil, ink and acrylic on canvas) is focused on the universal sojourns of emigrants who had to relocate their family trees across “ponds” for political, environmental and economic reasons. A man is carrying his “family tree” in an old shoe as he escapes for his survival against a backdrop of both natural and manmade disasters.

Doskova was awarded this year’s Best of Show for printmaking at the Park City Arts Festival.

To learn more about Doskova’s work and purchase prints: http://www.fineartoncanvas.com


This article was originally published on August 30, 2013.