The pressure mounts for breakdown, breakthrough.
Osho Zen Tarot: Harmony, Healing,
Medicine Cards: Buffalo, Hummingbird
Mayan Oracle: Ix, Chuen, Realm Shift
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Judgment, King of Swords, The Star
Aleister Crowley Deck: Power, Pleasure, The Emperor
Healing Earth Tarot: Man of Rainbows, The Sun, Man of Wands
Words of Truth: Dreams, Mind, Family,
August brings with it the intensity that can only make great change happen. And that is a good thing on many levels. Such energies have been building up for a while; the pressure is becoming palpable. This is what’s needed to manifest great change.
When the world is in great resistance, it takes that much pressure, plus a bit more, to pop the cork of stagnation that’s been blocking the appropriate flow of energy in our world.
A force with the power to break down barriers and bring a new, different approach to your world—different than anything previously experienced—is headed our way. Let those walls come tumbling down and find the spiritual and sacred joy that comes with the freedom your soul feels when it is able to unwind the patterns that restrict you.
Honestly I am a bit surprised by these cards. I have six breakthrough or breakdown cards. Three healing cards. One magic card. One card that makes the desires of the innocents finally be heard. And two expressing sacred joy.
There’s a destructive type of resistance that needs to be broken down globally at this time. As many of you know, I always look to the internal manifestations rather than focus on the external projections. That’s because it’s our internal dynamics that are making the external happen. If you become awake and aware to your own internal patterns, then how you cope with the external shifts will also be different.
For sure, old habits are shattered. You are walking on broken glass. But there is power in the sacrifices that you offer up at this time by your willingness to feel the pain on this planet and open your compassionate heart and empathy to this world’s great treasure, love.
Regardless of what manifests, the overall outcome is intended to be a positive shift in a very new direction. Such big shifts usually have a less than pleasant trigger. But I choose to remain optimistic in this new flow that we are co-creating.
You will be feeling the changes to your home, your safety and your relationships. As the flaws in your relationships become more obvious, you recognize that you have to keep the larger goals of your community, group or unit at the front of your mind, and look at the power structures that are either egocentric or blocking the expression of your potential.
This is a great month to really spend time with your family. Discover the depth of your love. Get out in nature, share meals. Certain things are becoming clearly important. Family is at the top of the list.
Family is the basis for how energy moves through our lower chakras. Those chakras represent our first experiences of safety and grounding. Take the time to cultivate those special energies of love that bind hearts and souls together. Those connections are our stability in trying times.
Even if you had difficult family childhood patterns, you can become the family you always wanted for your own children. Make good memories for yourself and your loved ones.
There’s a lot going on in the world and this month will continue to stir up complex emotions. This is why you’ll want to hold tight to those you love and to the things that really matter.
Suzanne Wagner is the author of. books and CDs on the tarot and creator of the Wild Women app. She lives in California, but visits Utah frequently.