How to Help

By Sunny Branson

Spread the Word—Educate yourself with extensive research and then talk to people about the issues.

Letter Writing—Instead of boycotting products, people are encouraged to write polite letters to organizations. For companies using palm oil, encourage them to only use sustainable sources. For other companies, educate them on the issues so that if they do turn to palm oil in the future, they can be sure to make ecological choices. Sample letters are posted on the SOS site. A list of palm oil products is being compiled on this site:

Donate – Several organizations are trying to make a difference, but they need your help. One way to help is to donate money. Donating to the Sumatran Orangutan Society,, funds their endeavors toward the conservation and welfare of Sumatran orangutans. Contributions to the Bornean Orangutan Survival Foundation,, support the work they do in the field and donating to Cockroach Productions,, sponsors their orangutan documentary film project.

This article was originally published on January 31, 2007.