Explore the many paths to wellness.

Book Reviews
What we have in common: Laying the groundwork for exploring our differences
Talking about our differences is urgent, exciting, and even dangerous. But our commonalities appear to be so numerous as to
November 30, 2020

Book Reviews
Stress Less, Accomplish More: Emily Fletcher’s meditation technique built for stressed-out, high-performing overachievers
I was heading out for some quick exercise, scanning the library audio books for something good when I saw it:
November 30, 2020

Yoga Pose of the Month
Four decades of yoga in Salt Lake City: Reflections on the history and changing landscape
I n January of 1982 I decided—out of curiosity—to try a yoga class. In a pink-carpeted room in the back
November 30, 2020

A DIY meditation retreat: Previously hidden treasures can emerge
Like so many traditions, the 18-day meditation retreat I attend each year at Spirit Rock Meditation Center was not to
September 2, 2020

Environment (Shorts)
Where there’s fire, there’s smoke: Fireworks are terrible for the environment, especially for air quality
Some people just can’t fathom a 4th of July or Pioneer Day holiday without fireworks. The bright colors, loud booms
August 2, 2020

Chakra Series
Sahasrara the crown chakra: Seeking an intimate relationship with the cosmos
Editor’s note: The Chakra Series, by Todd Mangum, MD, first appeared in CATALYST in 1995 and was repeated in 2009
August 2, 2020