
Environews: Save our vultures!

By Amy Brunvand

Shortly after Easter I was pleased to see the first turkey vultures of the year. Utah’s migratory vultures winter in Mexico and Central America.

Vultures perform a critical ecosystem service by eating dead things, but a new study by University of Utah biologists says that vulture species around the world are declining and are on the brink of extinction. The problem is, vultures are being poisoned by agricultural chemicals and lead bullets.

Without vultures, crows, rats and feral dogs proliferate, spreading disease to human populations.

The good news is, we know the causes of vulture decline so we have a chance to save our vultures before it’s too late.

Why vultures matter: unews.utah.edu/why-vultures-matter-and-what-we-lose-if-theyre-gone


This article was originally published on June 3, 2016.