Editor’s Notebook, Regulars and Shorts

Editor’s Notebook: June 2012

By Greta Belanger deJong

News from the CATALYST office.
by Greta Belanger deJong

Roses, roses, roses. Old-fashioned ones with blowsy petals that bloom and fall in a few days. Hardy English cabbage roses. Some petite, some sprawling, a few like waterfalls. I count 13 rosebushes outside my office window. They are all fragrant. Why else have a rose?

I need their scent to cover the farts of the unbearably adorable Rottweiller hound I am caretaking this month. Angus enters a hallowed spot under my desk where generations of Dalmatians have lain (and farted). Do I want a dog of my own again? Hm. Xenon the cat would have a vote. Lobbying, probably bribes, would be required.

Speaking of dogs: Carol Koleman’s scrutiny of dogfood in her Animalia column this month brought home what I’ve often heard: Most commercial dogfood is gross. Pocket the ingredient list in the story. Read labels. Help your four-footed furry one live a healthier life.


You may have noticed our cool website re-do. Starting this month, you’ll find web extras, and, finally, our long-awaited weekly newsletter. You’ll get weekly updates of Hunter College Religious Studies professor Ralfee Finn’s astrology column (she is so wise, it is always a joy to read); blogs on Ben and Katherine’s heritage poultry project, Fowl Play (see story this issue); Adele Flail’s Raw Art updates; events of the week and more.

If you’re not already on our listserv and want to join, sign up at www.catalystmagazine.net (or pop an email to Pax@catalystmagazine.net).


Also in this issue you’ll find a new seasonal column, appropriately titled “In Season,” by Letty Flatt. Letty, longtime Deer Valley pastry chef, vegetarian and adventurer, will explore what’s in season each month and dish up a recipe or two that makes the produce shine. (Web extras, too!)

We’re also teaming with Slow Food Utah to bring you, over several months’ time, the Local Guide to Healthy Eating, compiled originally by Jason Thornton and Megan Maxfield and updated by Guthrie Goeglein. See the Salt Lake area references for farmers markets and CSAs in this issue; a statewide guide will be available online.


Big news this month: Longtime CATALYST writer Diane Olson’s column, “Urban Almanac,” has been completely redone and published by Gibbs Smith this month as A Nature Lover’s Almanac: Kinky Bugs, Stealthy Critters, Prosperous Plants and Celestial Wonders. It is illustrated by fellow CATALYST contributor Adele Flail. The book is available in local bookstores and online now; we will keep you apprised of a book-signing reception within the next six weeks.

Yoga columnist Charlotte Bell’s new book, Yoga for Meditators (Rodmell Press) was released last month. Congratulations to Diane, Adele and Charlotte! 

This article was originally published on May 25, 2012.