Fired Up: Wildfire, Fish and Water Security in Utah

Utah has experienced several of the largest fires in state history in the past few years, leaving large scars in our forests and degrading air quality, fish habitat, and water resources. Why is the fire regime changing and what is it expected to look like in the future? What are the implications for Utah’s water? Patrick Belmont will explore these questions and discuss ways we could better manage our forests, fires, fish, and water resources to ensure better outcomes in the future.

Patrick Belmont is a Professor and Head of the Department of Watershed Sciences at Utah State University. His research spans many disciplines…hydrology, ecology, fire science, erosion and climatology, in order to study watersheds as integrated systems. And he is constantly working to make science useful for policy and management.

This event will take place both in-person and via Zoom. When registering, please choose either an in-person or Zoom ticket. Once registered, you will receive instructions for how to access the webinar or where to attend the in-person event depending upon your ticket type. We will also be recording this program and will share it with registrants afterward.


Aug 12 2021


6:30 pm - 7:45 pm



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