Clever Octopus Wildlife Warriors Summer Camp
Wildlife Warriors Camp
August 9-13 | 9 am – 11:30 am
Grades 2nd-3rd
Bring the bounty of the natural world into buildings for bugs! We will don our bug-collector hats and find insects around a natural area using suction-based collection devices that you will create yourself. After collection, we will design bug hotels suitable for the critters you’ve found to live in! Learn about the vast world of insects that live in our neighborhoods and cities, and ponder how these creatures might want to feel cozy in your vacation homes.
We will also explore the world of vertebrates together by imagining the non-human creatures that inhabit our surroundings, zoos and planet! Campers will use their imaginations to create collages of vertebrates in habitat they may live in. We will also explore the bountiful world of lichen around us and paint what we see and collect.
All materials are reclaimed from our creative reuse center. Camp runs from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, so drop off your campers at 8:45 am and pick them up at 11:45 am.
Visit our summer camps page to register today!