You’ve read about them. You’ve watched them grow up from tiny little bobble-headed peepers into egg-laying, kiddie-pool-swimming, midnight-honking backyard mobsters. You’ve even watched one of them wage mortal combat with a watering can. Now come meet the Windsor Street flock this Saturday 22nd June as a featured stop on the Wasatch Community Garden’s Urban Garden and Farm Tour.
That’s right, folks. Step right up and come meet, in person, Fred and Ethel the geese, their two goslings, our trio of Cayuga ducks, and our expansive and diverse flock of chickens and chicks this Saturday. We’ll show you aroun our urban farm and introduce you to the whole flock.
This year’s tour will feature a total of 18 stops, and we’re proud and humbled that our urban homestead will be one of them. So stop on by. Get inspired. Learn something. Teach us something.
The tour will feature all kinds of great farmy things happening in our urban ecosystem. We’re talking small livestock, permaculture gardens, intensive and vertical gardening techniques, community and youth gardens, mushroom growing, restaurant gardens, sustainability features like rainwater catchment, solar ovens, beehives, food preservation, and cob and straw bale structures.
It’s a self-guided tour, and you’ll want to register a day in advance to get the self-guided tour booklet delivered in your email on time. We strongly encourage you to sign up for the bike tour and kill two birds with one stone: save yourself $5 and leave your car in the driveway.
Date: Saturday, June 22, 2013 – 10:00am – 2:00pm
Cost: $5 Bike Tour (limited quantity); $10.00 Individual; $20 Group Pass (up to 6 people)