Coach Jeannette: Law of Attraction

By Jeannette Maw

Positive action for Mother Earth: activism the LOA way.

by Jeannette Maw 

With the Green movement growing in popularity, many folksand corporations are joining the politically correct ranks to save PlanetEarth. April 22 marks the celebration of Earth Day, launched over three decadesago when 20 million Americans demonstrated for a healthier planet. How far havewe come since then, and how effective are our strategies for change?


Listen to some of the goals and mission statements ofvarious "save the world" organizations:


• We tackle the most serious environmental problems.


• Dedicated to protecting the earth and to defending theright of all people to a healthy environment.


• No compromise in the defense of Mother Earth!


• An anti-nuclear protest and lobby group.


• Safeguard the earth; defend natural places; protectnature; stop the fouling or depleting of resources that support life.


Although it might seem noble and right to protectourselves or fight against something we view as wrong, feeling the need toprotect or defend means we’re flowing negative enegy. The belief that there issomething we are "against" calls forth contrary, fear-based energy.As we engage that energy, we actually strengthen the very problem we’re tryingto change.


The challenge doesn’t stem from just the missionstatements of organizations, but also in the thought patterns and actions ofgroup members and activists. That would be fine if that’s the way the worldworked. If we could stop something by pushing against it, we’d have had muchmore success by now!


But that’s not how it works. We don’t get what we want byfighting against. What we resist, persists. (As evidenced by our well-fundedwars against drugs, terrorism and cancer.) It’s also why threatening ourspouse, children or employees into submission isn’t effective. We get what wevibrate. So whatever we push against, we activate and perpetuate.


What not to do


So what’s a good activist to do? What are we supposed todo when we see something gone awry? Certainly promoting the health of theplanet, safety of humans and rights of animals are worthy endeavors.


The Universe doesn’t stand in judgment of our wants anddesires. We can have whatever we want, when we take the approach that fostersthose results. That approach is simply to align with what we want rather thanwith what we don’t want.


Whatever we push or fight against we create more of. Sothe trick is to give up the resistance while still allowing the change we wantto see.


As I angrily protest outside the fur shop, although itmight seem like I’m contributing to the well being of animals, I’m adding tothe energy of their abuse and exploitation. As I engage the battle and flowfeelings of anger and injustice, I attract more unjust issues to feel angryabout. Those pictures on my protest signs probably activate the vibrations of suffering,misery and cruelty. Since I get what I vibrate, I’ve not furthered my agenda asingle bit.


Conversely, one of my clients transformed the behavior ofher grade-school students (as well as her reputation as a teacher) by changingher approach to discipline. Instead of calling out on students who were actingup, she praised their classmates who exhibited positive behavior. It made animmediate and magical difference in her classroom, and several other teachersincorporated her system for focusing on the positive in order to alter thenegative.


For effective results


An effective approach to create the desired change is tohold in mind what we want rather than what we don’t want. That redirected focuscreates a completely different vision and thus vibration, manifesting morepositive results.


Here are a few excerpts from groups whose missionstatements set themselves up for success:


• Dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream


• Dedicated to protecting the earth and to defending theright of all people to a healthy environment.


• Supporting people’s active engagement in creating ajust, sustainable, and compassionate world


• Dedicated to aggregating a massive nationwide movementby communicating a positive vision


• Creating a new generation of young leaders committed topositive change in themselves, their communities and the world


More and more proactive organizations are groundingthemselves in a positive focus. Positive Futures Network, Plenty, and TeamTree-hugger, among others, put the spotlight on what’s going right and whatpositive action we can take to help. Best Friends Animal Society also uses anunconventional communications approach by sharing positive success storiesinstead of using scare tactics to generate donations.


We can practice this same "pro" instead of"anti" strategy in our own efforts to create change in the world.Instead of chastising restaurant owners for using Styrofoam containers, askthem to provide an earth-friendly alternative. Rather than glaring at SUVowners at the gas station, praise the carpoolers and public transport commutersat work.


When contributing to our cause, rather than focusing onthose working against us, notice the other volunteers who do their best tohelp. See how things have improved over the years, that we’re getting the hangof it, that there is hope!


A subtle perspective shift like this contributes todramatically more successful results. By paying attention to how you feel,you’ve got a good guide to what thoughts and actions will best serve you andthe cause you’re passionate about.


Also check in on your languaging to get clear about whatresults you’re attracting. If your vocabulary consists mainly of phrases andwords representing what you don’t want, it’s time for a new habit of speech.When your language instills feelings of hope and progress, you can be sureyou’re a valuable contributor to positive change.


As author Gregg Braden shares, we don’t create peace onearth by praying for peace. We create peace by being peace. We get what wefeel, so feeling the lack of what we want doesn’t take us where we want togo. 


Making peace


Another important key to effectively creating change isto make peace with what is. That may seem contradictory-or even impossble-tomany, but when you understand how the Law of Attraction works, it makes goodsense. Recognizing that all is well allows us to release the resistance thatprevents positive change. As long as we flow resistance, we’re stuck in thevery thing we’re fighting against.


Releasing resistance allows movement, and the best way todo so is make peace with what is. Easier said than done sometimes, but when yourealize its power, you’ll have good inspiration for practicing it. As long aswe’re attached to results or cling to the notion that things have to change, wekeep that change from happening.


Three steps to change


So how to be an effective agent of change? Here are threepowerful steps to get started:


1) Get clear about what you want. You can use what youdon’t want as a starting point in gaining clarity, but that’s the only way thecontrast can serve you. Once you are clear, let go of what you don’t want.


2) Learn to stay focused on your desired end result.Whether it’s through symbols, photos, mantras, or deliberate choice oflanguage, get in the habit of facing the direction you want to go.


3) Take action that feels good. Let inspiration be yourguide. Because like attracts like, we don’t get good results by taking actionthat feels bad. If it doesn’t feel good, it’s not taking you to the outcome youwant.


When we embrace these principles, there is literally nolimit to the magic and miracles we can create. Our power as creators affords usthe ability to achieve the "impossible," whether that’s a restoredand healthy planet or simply an employer who agrees to change out the lightbulbs. Do yourself and the causes you care about a favor: Stop fighting againstwhat’s wrong, and use your power to fuel what you do want.


Jeannette Maw is an Attraction Coach and founder of GoodVibe Coaching in Salt Lake City.


This article was originally published on April 1, 2008.