First things first: How do you spell relief? D-i-r-e-c-t. Yes, Mercury Retrograde is over and even though it moves slowly at first, we’re likely to feel its forward motion as the coming week unfolds and an unimpeded current of activity flows easily; email gets delivered without a hitch, as do texts and voice mail. As the regular routines of daily life inhaled deeply during Mercury Retrograde, now those routines exhale deeply all week long, releasing retrograde tensions. You don’t have to hurry or push this river; you just need to navigate your course with intention.
On a completely different note, a Sun/Venus conjunction in Libra adds an element of grace to all our interactions. Libra is the Sign of relating, which translates not only into romantic interactions—the way most of us think of Libra—but also into partnerships of every ilk. The Sun contributes vitality and when it shares the same space and forms a perfect union with Venus, we experience the love. That loving spirit can extend to all sorts of people, places, pets, and things, especially artistic endeavors. This Sun/Venus conjunction started on October 2 and is exact and separating on October 22, but continues into Scorpio until November 15. So there’s a lot of time to make good use of this beneficent alliance; apply it liberally in all situations in need of harmony and beauty.
The almost exact Saturn/Uranus square continues to challenge the status quo of, well, everything—and don’t we know it. Saturn symbolizes structures and organizations; Uranus symbolizes revolution and innovation; and squares indicate friction. We already know that almost all of the things we take for granted in our macro and micro worlds are being challenged to either maintain their position or surrender the systems that no longer serve. We continue to be in the midst of many multidimensional shifts and as the hologram of daily life continues to spin, dizziness from all those shifts happening simultaneously is likely. When you can, take a break and let yourself rest. Sometimes stepping away from the intensity helps to refine your perspective on all that’s going on, and a refreshed point of view can lead to making better choices.
Pluto Direct begins on Saturday, October 8, ending a retrograde phase that began on April 29, so be prepared for a stop-and-start rhythm as the week unfolds and Pluto gains forward momentum. Pluto won’t have another retrograde phase until May 1, 2023—its first retrograde in Aquarius. Yes, this Pluto Direct will take us to Pluto’s first entry into Aquarius on March 23, 2023, which means that for the next six months—until it enters Aquarius—Pluto is finishing up its journey through Capricorn, which began in 2008. Be prepared to visit and revisit much of what was set in motion during those years from an individual as well as a collective perspective.
This change of Signs won’t be easy; more importantly, the last fourteen years have been overwhelming years of social shift as Pluto challenged power structures, symbolized by Capricorn. Those structures are still trembling from Pluto’s journey through the Sign of stability and order, and they will continue to tremble for several years. More about this Plutonian process as Pluto Direct unfolds and excites the ethers, making its presence known through the day-to-day goings-on as it finishes the transformative process that began with its entry into Capricorn, simultaneously initiating individual and collective change.
As Mercury moves forward this week, it leaves behind its opposition to Neptune, shifting us from magical, Neptunian dreams into the practical aspirations of Mercury in Virgo, which are increased clarity. This opposition is officially over by October 9.
We’ve also been under the influence of an ongoing Mars/Saturn trine, a stabilizing combination that supports the stamina and endurance that is required to accomplish strenuous tasks. Our fellow travelers who are cleaning up after all the powerful storms will benefit from the indefatigable force of this positive alliance. Mars is in Gemini, the Sign of ideas and information; Saturn is in Aquarius, one of the Signs it rules, and Saturn’s presence here stimulates the urge to integrate ideals into concrete action. Technically, this Mars/Saturn alliance lasts until October 18, but because both planets are seemingly slowing down—Mars goes retrograde on October 30 and maintains its position at 25° Gemini for several weeks, and Saturn goes Direct on October 23—we benefit from this trine for much longer than we normally would. Make good use of this energy by allowing it to inspire your determination to work hard on projects that are meaningful for you.
For many, watching the world unfold under the influence of Pluto’s journey through Capricorn has been stupefying—so many changes, and so many of those changes are absolutely necessary if we are to move forward to a more perfect union and expression of our ideals. Keep in mind that we are still in the midst of the United States Pluto Return and because Pluto is always searching for greater authenticity, the structures that we’ve outgrown are collapsing. And while I realize that this is an American-centric challenge, it nonetheless affects the entire planet, if only because we are no longer only local on Planet Earth and never will be again. Even if you don’t agree that what happens in the USA has an effect on the rest of the world, Pluto’s preparation for entry into Aquarius knows no borders and all of us are experiencing its effect. So use this time wisely and don’t be afraid of its intensity—our situation is pretty intense and it requires that we keep moving toward positive solutions. And as always, don’t forget to be kind to your fellow travelers. We all need a little tenderness right now.
Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.
Aries March 21-April 19
As Pluto goes direct in your Solar House of career, it would be wise to prepare for career issues to dominate heart and soul as well as mind and body. Be clear about what you want and what you need but also be realistic about what you can deliver. And try not to hurry past the details—they matter.
Taurus April 20-May 20
Pluto Direct occurs in your Solar House of belief systems and for the last many years, it’s been catalyzing an investigation of what you believe and why. As it prepares to move forward and shift focus, give yourself permission to review and reflect on what’s changed.
Gemini May 21-June 21
Pluto goes direct in your Solar House of transformation, which means more changes lie ahead. Don’t worry; yes, you have been through a lot of changes since this Plutonian journey began, but while Pluto is certain to catalyze even more shifts, now is the time to reflect on just how much you and your life have transformed.
Cancer June 22-July 22
For the last 14 years, Pluto has been in your Solar House of relationships, challenging you to transform attitudes about partnerships that no longer serve. This process was often painful and seemingly relentless, yet it has provided you with huge insight into what motivates your relationships, personal and professional.
Leo July 23-August 22
Pluto goes direct in your Solar House of service and health, and as it moves forward it is going to stimulate an even stronger desire to spend time taking better care of yourself. You don’t have to run a marathon or change your diet completely, but you will notice the urge to move toward healthier choices.
Virgo August 23-September 22
Pluto Direct happens in your Solar House of creativity, where it’s been focused on transforming how you express yourself. You may not have started playing an instrument or writing poetry, but you may have found or strengthened your voice. As the next weeks and months amplify your self-expression, allow it to unfold.
Libra September 23-October 22
For the last 14 years, as Pluto moved through your Solar House of home, you’ve been examining what it means to feel at home and to feel safe and secure within yourself. Continue to contemplate what home means to you, especially how it is related to belonging, and try to notice just how much your attitude has changed.
Scorpio October 23-November 21
Pluto Direct takes place in your Solar House of communication, and while you’re known for keeping your own counsel, the last 14 years may have shifted that tendency. I’m not suggesting you will emerge from this Plutonian process with the gift of gab, but I am hoping you will have learned something about the value of sharing your ideas.
Sagittarius November 22-December 21
It’s never easy when Pluto transits your Solar House of personal finance and Pluto has been in that house since 2008, so it wouldn’t be surprising that you’ve been going through money changes. Now, as Pluto starts to wind down this phase, you would benefit from analyzing what you’ve learned about handling money.
Capricorn December 22-January 19
I know you’re looking forward to Pluto eventually—okay, finally—leaving your Sign, but we aren’t there yet. For 14 years, Pluto has been carefully tutoring you on personal transformation and it’s been a complicated and complex process. Spend the rest of its journey contemplating what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown—you’ll be quite pleased with how you’ve handled many of those shifts.
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Pluto is about to enter your Sign, where it will stay for a little over a decade, but before it starts a new cycle, it needs to finish the one it’s in. Pluto is direct in your Solar House of psychology, making it likely you’ve spent part of the last 14 years transforming your internal world. There’s still more work to be done, so stay on point.
Pisces February 19-March 20
Pluto Direct happens in your Solar House of community, where it has spent the last 14 years transforming your relationship to the idea of community. That may have manifested as increased or lessened participation in your neighborhood or as a desire to build greater personal affiliations, but one thing is sure: you’re sorting out what you want and need from your immediate extended environment.