The collective exhale is still palpable—it was so joyous on Saturday when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were declared the winners that I could hear the crowds cheering from hundreds of miles away. (Just kidding; the TV delivered the news.) And that jubilation is sure to continue rippling across the collective waters until the actual inauguration of Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris on January 20, despite just how much hard work lies before us in the coming weeks, months, and years as we heal the damage done not just by Trump but by all those who undermined our democracy. But for this moment I am relieved—relieved for the planet, relieved for our country, relieved for our citizens, relieved for our children, and personally deeply relieved that soon I won’t ever again have to write about Mr. Trump and his mendacious and rapacious Gang of Hungry Ghosts. Yet as deep as my relief is, I feel tremendous grief about what we’ve been through—what the greed and hatred and cruelty of the last several years has cost us. As that grief coalesces with the continuing casualties of COVID-19, we will need strength and fortitude to confront the difficult task of managing the virus. But right now I am happy, if only for a moment, to feel the community of joy and renaissance of hope that lifts the spirit and heals the heart.
This week, the sky continues to reflect our collective mood:
1. Tomorrow, November 12, is the third and final Jupiter/Pluto conjunction; the first two conjunctions signaled the spikes of COVID-19 cases, and this last conjunction does too. Expect the coming weeks and months to be fraught with ever-increasing infections and ensuing deaths. While you don’t need an astrologer to substantiate this increased COVID-19 intensity—the doctors and astrologers share that assessment—this last conjunction occurs at the same degrees as the Saturn/Pluto conjunction on January 12, 2020, which is the astrological signature that changed life as we know it. We may already be in this intensified phase, but my hunch is that Thanksgiving and Christmas will be super-spreader events as many of our fellow travelers succumb to virus fatigue and opt out of the appropriate precautions. Even the smartest among us could find it hard to wear masks or maintain appropriate social distancing amidst the lure of holiday traditions, but that doesn’t mean we should capitulate and refuse to take the necessary precautions.
2. Also on November 12, a Moon/Mars opposition feeds frustration levels, turning moods and attitudes emotionally volatile. Do your best to keep the peace, inside and out.
3. Mars Direct begins on Friday, November 13, at 7:36 PM EST. We’ve been under the thumb of Mars Retrograde since September 9. Mars is one of the planets that drives the mechanics of daily life—it signifies ambition, aggression, anger, assertion, and action. Mars doesn’t enjoy moving “backwards” one bit and as it “turns around,” its “forward motion” adds another level of relief to both personal and collective situations. Anticipate that certain daily routines will function with greater precision and purpose, but try not to be in too much of a hurry to enter the fast lane—Mars is going to linger at the same degree until Thanksgiving, which means Mars is taking its time getting up to speed, and so are we.
As this week and the coming weeks unfold, do your best to stay centered in the joy of this moment. Try not to let the challenges that lie ahead throw you off balance and disturb that joy. Yes, too many of our fellow travelers voted for Mr. Trump—far too many to ignore—and yes, again, there is a lot of work to do. That work will only be effective if each of us can find a way to open our hearts to what we don’t understand. Compassion isn’t about agreement or permission. Racism is never the right thing, but hating the hater isn’t the solution. So in the midst of your joy, spend some time contemplating how you can find a higher love that includes everyone because we are all, like it or not, in this together.
Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.
Aries March 21-April 19
Breathe deeply and keep breathing deeply until you realize that you’re out of the doldrums and finally moving forward. There’s no need to hurry this process, so take your time and adjust to the new air. I realize it’s been a slog, but this period has also given you time to refine your plans before impetuously moving into action.
Taurus April 20-May 20
Mars Direct lifts your mood maybe even more than the election—it’s been in your Solar House of all things psychological for two months and you’ve been fighting the tendency to brood for too long. It will take some weeks to completely move out of that sector, but you’ll feel the lift by next week.
Gemini May 21-June 21
It’s likely you won’t have any difficulty adjusting to Mars Direct—you like being busy and social, and as Mars moves forward, your schedule is sure to reflect that unfettered direct motion. Be sure to prioritize your goals so you can sift through all that needs to be done in order of importance—and fun!
Cancer June 22-July 22
Mars moves forward in your Solar House of expertise, which is going to fire your desire to offer your advice and opinion to everyone. There’s no need to hold back and every reason to feel confident in what you want to share, but don’t expect everyone to actualize your sage suggestions.
Leo July 23-August 22
Try to take a breather before you leap into action. Yes, it’s exciting that Mars is moving forward without impediment, but there is no reason to hurry the process. As Mars gains momentum, it’s important to give yourself a chance to recalibrate your priorities so you can spend your energy wisely.
Virgo August 23-September 22
Mars Direct offers opportunities for financial gain, but only if you stay mindful of making realistic investments and realistic progress. I’m not suggesting there’s anything to be afraid of; I’m suggesting that sometimes—not always—mistakes can be made in the heat of the moment, so take your time.
Libra September 23-October 22
Mars is making a dynamic shift in your Solar House of relationship, so be prepared for change. Try not to get swept away in the enthusiasm of this retrograde-free zone. Not every significant other will share your joy, so when possible try to find the solid ground of positive, win-win solutions for all.
Scorpio October 23-November 21
This Martian shift puts the emphasis on work, so even if you are unemployed or retired, expect to be busy, and if you’re already working, anticipate an increased load. Whatever your situation, try to find a comfortable pace that allows you to also acknowledge and honor the need to stay healthy.
Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Mars Direct offers the promise of vibrant self-expression. Some of that Martian forward motion could manifest as the need to be bossy in an attempt to get your projects started, so try not to be too aggressive. That being said, this phase also offers opportunities to concentrate on projects already in motion.
Capricorn December 22-January 19
It’s all about home improvements—inside and out—as Mars moves forward and inspires you to do the same. This could be as complex as a kitchen renovation or as simple as adopting a new meditation technique. Whatever your choices, be sure to take your time making the changes so you can adjust to the new landscape.
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Oh, my… Mars is moving forward in your Solar House of communication, which means you are talking a lot more than you already are. Get out the throat lozenges and hold forth; just remember to listen closely to what others have to say—everyone needs to be heard and listening will be revelatory.
Pisces February 19-March 20
Read Virgo above and add this: Mars moves forward in your Solar House of personal finance, which means you have the opportunity to move forward in your efforts to create greater stability. These are not the easiest of money times, but don’t let that stop you from harnessing the Martian momentum.