A note from Ralfee: To all the readers of the Aquarium Age: the Weekly Frequency is back! I’ve decided to return to the weekly format, starting this week. The monthly column proved too dense for lots of our fellow travelers to digest easily and there is so much going on right now, and so much that will continue to go on for the foreseeable future, that I thought it might be a good idea to go back to the basics. I may skip a week occasionally—everyone needs a break from routine—and rather than publishing on Wednesdays, the column will start on the first of each month, and repeat every seven days.
The intensity of daily life is simply overwhelming, making it increasingly hard to find shelter from the storm—because there are simply too many storms occurring at once to make any shelter last long enough to fully catch our breath and replenish depleted reserves. A friend described our situation as a “still life of an explosion.” Each day feels as if we’re caught in a new Big Bang event, giving birth to a brave new world, except nothing is moving and the suspension in space is mind-bending.
Most of us need a time out—a vacation from the madness that has become our world; a break from the constant negativity of the wars raging around us, from the 24/7 broadcasts of devastation and the cruelty that has taken hold as the new normal. It is hard for all of us, no matter what team or side we are on: the purposeful destruction we are witnessing every day via our TVs (or as Doris Lessing called them in Shikasta, the propaganda machines) engenders a nihilistic mindset that only sees pointlessness everywhere. That negativity is toxic for all of us regardless of our economic status, age, or political preferences. It is also contagious, even more so than COVID-19, especially for young people who are having a hard time envisioning a positive future and feel ill-equipped to move forward in life with purpose and enthusiasm for what lies ahead.
We are still in the wake of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of 2020, an astral combination that wiped away the structures that once held the foundations of daily life together. We may not have liked or agreed with those structures, but we relied on them, especially on the order they provided pretty consistently. Most importantly, we are suspended in a still life of chaos because we haven’t created a new, vital, and appropriate order yet—and we know we’re not even close to doing so. There are too many collapsed systems that need to be replaced. You could characterize the current intensity as an evolutionary leap that we haven’t completed because we haven’t reached the critical mass necessary to shift from the old paradigm that birthed our current chaos into a new one with the power to take us forward into a more conscious way of living.
The first week of May opens with the same emotional intensity that dominated April. The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces is still in effect but it is separating, and by May 10, when Jupiter enters Aries, that conjunction is officially over. Venus, currently in Pisces, also moves into Aries on May 2, but it is Jupiter’s move into Aries that stokes that Aries fire and gets it hot enough to burn off a bit of Pisces’ sentimentality. Anticipate feeling a little less water-logged as the coming weeks unfold.
The Sun/Uranus conjunction in Taurus that began on April 28 is exact and separating on May 5, ending on May 14. This conjunction represents the urge to break absolutely free from whatever inhibits personal freedom—it is the rebel with or without a cause, and its force easily translates into an insistence on personal freedom, regardless of the ultimate cost. As you make your break for freedom, try to think before you leap. I’m not suggesting you stifle your need to be free from whatever enslaves, but I am advising you to consider the long-term consequences of your decisions.
The good news is that a Mercury/Pluto trine fosters a penetrating intellect that has no problem thinking about the ramifications of impulsive actions. This trine was exact on April 28 but lingers until May 3. Be aware that Mercury goes retrograde early on the morning of May 10 and stays retrograde until June 3. Back up those important documents now. While we all know the retro drill, that doesn’t mean we’re paying it enough attention; it’s easy to get lazy when it comes to Mercury Retrograde because you really can blame it on the stars. Back up. Now.
The good news—and there is always good news—is that it’s spring, and the air, while still a bit chilly, feels vital and alive and full of possibilities, and the flowers and trees of the season are gorgeous. Yes, we do have to deal with global warming but that shouldn’t stop anyone from breathing in the spring air and enjoying the new season. And although it might be a little uncomfortable to leave the COVID cave—lots of people are feeling rusty when it comes to social interactions—it’s still heart-warming to hug and hold the ones you love in person. Even if the sky is telling a grim story and the news is blaring bad tidings, take a moment to appreciate Earth’s treasures. Most of all, be kind to yourself, to those you love, and to your fellow travelers. We’ve been through, and are still going through, more intensity than we could have imagined, and we all need a lot of love to make it through these waves of change.
Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.
Aries March 21-April 19
Take a good long stretch and make sure you’ve loosened and soothed any stiff social muscles—you’re leaving your winter cave and moving into an entirely new social milieu. Oh, and don’t forget your vocal warm-ups. Venus’ entry into your Sign, followed by Jupiter a few days later, is going to enliven your day-to-day routines and restore a bit of the beauty and magic you’ve been longing for.
Taurus April 20-May 20.
Yes, you are tying up loose ends and finishing previously discarded projects, and while some of that closure may be boring, you might be surprised at how good it feels to clean up what’s been lingering so you can get on with what’s new. Take your time with this process and allow yourself to experience this threshold—what awaits you is a new, grounded perspective on who you are and what you need.
Gemini May 21-June 21
You’re talking—a lot, even for you—about every little thing that has or hasn’t changed and how you feel about those transitions. Have at it, but keep in mind that not everyone is likely to agree with your point of view. Handle the disagreements (if there are any) as gracefully as possible and if someone presents you with better information, be open to a change of mind.
Cancer June 22-July 22
It hasn’t been easy managing the emotional flux of the last several weeks and you’re a bit exhausted from handling the needs of others. Now is your moment to express yourself. If you aren’t already in therapy, you might want to consider finding a therapist who can help you cope with the wide range of feelings you’ve been dealing with. If you’re in therapy, book a double session and have at it.
Leo July 23-August 22
You have a lot of ideas you want to test, especially at work, and you’re not going to tolerate interference unless that interference can improve the outcome. That’s okay; just remember that not everyone moves as quickly as you do and it may take a moment for your trusty sidekicks to catch up with you. Be confident in your ideas, modify when necessary, but most importantly, enjoy the creative freedom.
Virgo August 23-September 22
You’re sharing your opinions about everything with anyone who will listen, and while a lot of what you’re sharing is valid and useful, it’s important to share your opinions in a way that invites others in and encourages their participation. This isn’t about a free-for-all of criticism; it’s about acknowledging what has to shift and inviting others to participate in the process of transformation.
Libra September 23-October 22
Venus and Jupiter are moving into your Solar House of relationship and their presence invigorates your attitude toward significant others—personal as well as professional partners. Use their powerful presence and let yourself slough off the winter doldrums. If you’re not happy, try to get to the core of your displeasure and if you are, figure out how to enhance your joy.
Scorpio October 23-November 21
You’re about to be busier at work than you are already, which means you’re going to have to figure out a new pace. I’m not suggesting that your existing pace is faulty; I’m just not sure that it will be quick enough to handle the changes you need to adjust to. There’s no need to worry; you’re up to the task. This is about getting the help you need from others to get it all done.
Sagittarius November 22-December 21
You don’t have to stave off melancholy—there’s been so much grief to deal with over the last couple of years that it might be harder than you anticipate to be happy, so don’t force yourself or put on a false face. Be true to what you’re feeling and if you find yourself slipping into a slump, get some help figuring out how to feel better without going into denial.
Capricorn December 22-January 19
We tend to measure success in dollars and cents, homes and cars, and other material goods. But soul success is best measured in love—who you love and how well you express that affection. A partner isn’t necessary to experience the joy of loving; you can love a pet as easily as a person—you might miss the back-and-forth of conversation, but you won’t miss the warmth of truly appreciating another living being.
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Yes, it has been a particularly difficult journey, with too much to do and not enough time to experience the rewards of your labor—and it isn’t over. Rather than drop your guard or even double your efforts, take a deep breath. After you’ve had as many slow breaths as necessary, show up, speak your mind, and trust that the outcome will be beneficial.
Pisces February 19-March 20
Despite Venus and Jupiter leaving your Sign, you are still in a remarkably expansive phase. The world is your oyster if you can figure out how to organize your needs and desires into a coherent picture of what you would like your life to be. If you need help facilitating this expansion, ask for it and find people you can rely on to help you turn those dreams and needs into reality.