Aquarium Age

Aquarium Age: March 17-26, 2021

By Ralfee Finn

The psychic air shifted over the last several weeks and that change is attributable to several factors, not all astrological, although the speedy feel that moved through last week and continues through this week is attributable to Mars moving into Gemini on March 3. That Martian shift in emphasis helped lift spirits—not all spirits, but enough to notice a mood change in the day-to-day goings on. Regular routines, struggling under the weight of the pandemic, are settling down just a bit. Nothing is really normal, but waking up in the morning to the continued absence of inflammatory tweets is a relief, and that makes morning coffee a little closer to normal, although the fight for equality that lies ahead is going to continue to disrupt the status quo.

Mars in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius, a positive alliance that began on March 10 and continues through March 31. This trine promotes ambitious activity, so harness its power to make progress toward your goals, whether they are business aspirations or something more personal; for example, spring-cleaning efforts benefit from this planetary combination. Be aware that Gemini is a convivial Sign that seeks the company of friends and family and Mars drives that desire for social contact. Be sure to maintain the COVID-19 guidelines for safe, small gatherings—it will take effort but it can be done. The best news about this trine is that it engenders endurance, something we need right now if we are to continue successfully battling the virus.

On Saturday, the Sun moves into Aries, heralding the start of spring in the northern hemisphere. The vernal equinox signals the season of renewal and it’s a great boon right now because we need to be hopeful about the coming months and spring has the power to ignite the desire for a fresh beginning. Allow yourself to be inspired by the seasonal shift.

Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and what matters most, also moves into Aries on March 21 and her presence enhances this seasonal shift, deepening the inspiration of spring and amplifying the value of new beginnings.

Another large contributor to the ongoing change of air is the American Rescue Plan that allows millions and millions of our fellow travelers to exhale, deeply. The plan makes progress in battling COVID-19 with financial support for vaccinations, among many other means of assistance. It also offers much-needed economic relief, lessening the unbearable load of physical and economic survival—at least for now. The possibility of hope it brings also makes it a true relief package, especially because that relief is underscored by empathy for our fellow humans.

We are still in the midst of the ongoing Saturn/Uranus square, which means we are still in the tumult and turmoil of challenges to the status quo, individual and collective. Lots of us are going through tremendous upheaval as routines and practices are challenged by this powerful planetary combination. It’s important to formulate a strategy for handling the effect of this square, not just because it is with us for the next several months, but because each of us needs to know how we are going to manage the many more weeks of shift that lie ahead. Make kindness a part of your plan—kindness for yourself and others, as we all try to make it through these waves of change. We need to work together if we are going to co-create the new reality that lies ahead.

Sun Bursts:  If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries March 21-April 19
The Sun’s entry into your Sign signals a new beginning for all of us, but specifically a new start for you. Finding and maintaining your balance in the midst of so much change won’t be easy, but you have the innate strength to handle these shifts, especially if you make a commitment to doing whatever hard work is necessary to sustain your equilibrium.

Taurus April 20-May 20
Venus, your Ruling planet, signifies the power of love, individual and collective, and her move into Aries invites you to consider your commitment to partnerships of every denomination—personal and professional—without losing yourself. Be sure to include all those sentient beings—pets as well as plants—that matter to you and often serve as friends and family.

Gemini May 21-June 21
With Mars in your Sign, you are definitely leading the pack, and while you like that role it does present its own challenge: how to lead with a peaceful attitude that has the potential to heal the strife that continues to insinuate itself into many facets of daily life. Take each situation on its own merits and then take a deep breath as you try to negotiate a win/win for everyone.

Cancer June 22-July 22
It might be wiser to rely on your nurturing gifts rather than giving into the impulse to withdraw until the intensity diminishes. Given that the lessening of intensity won’t occur anytime soon, try to stay on the field and help those you love cope with all the changes that are taking place. Yes, it is harder to stay present, but the effort is absolutely worth the result—you are needed.

Leo July 23-August 22
While you are a Fixed Sign, which often translates into resistance to change, it will be hard to resist the strength of spring’s promise and hope. So rather than dig into your resistance because you don’t understand or agree with some of the changes taking place, focus on how you can participate. Here’s a hint: tune into the power of the season and let that power shift your attitude.

Virgo August 23-September 22
You’re in the midst of blending many aspects of your life, past and present, and while this merging may be overwhelming, it is a necessary consequence of all that’s been put in motion. So look at your personal relationships, your finances, your disappointments, and your expectations—sort through all of it because you’ll need to know who you are and what you want as you create your future.

Libra September 23-October 22
The best way to work through any difficulties you might be facing as a result of challenges to the status quo is to stay authentic, even if that means admitting that you feel overwhelmed. Acknowledging your feelings will help you not just identify what you’re clinging to because it is comfortable but also what habits you need to release because they no longer serve your greatest good.

Scorpio October 23-November 21
Mars, the co-Ruler of your Sign, has you on a fast track of change, and while this pace is welcome it can also be challenging to handle so much all at once. I know this advice might sound like a cliché, but I am offering it nevertheless: take as many deep breaths as you need to center yourself in what you know is true and then approach every situation with that groundedness.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
You can sort through any difficulties with significant others—personal and professional—if you stay focused on clear communication that is simultaneously authentic and compassionate. That might be difficult in the midst of so much turmoil but it can be done, especially if you stay clear about what matters most and then remain determined to use those values as your guide for healing.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
If you want to create abundance you must embody an abundant attitude, but don’t interpret that as pretending to be rich. You have to feel your abundance as reality. Yes, this is little woo-woo, but it works if you are willing to transform all the facets of your life that you feel are mired in lack. Make feeling abundant a daily practice and you will be surprised at the changes it puts in motion.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
You’re full of creative ideas about how to improve several aspects of your life. Just remember to integrate all the lessons you’ve recently learned. Moving forward requires an assessment of both your failures and your accomplishments. Be careful not to brood over what you should have done and concentrate instead on what you are doing and what you can accomplish.

Pisces February 19-March 20
While powerful external winds are blowing through daily life for all of us, you are feeling a deep internal strength that allows you to cope with those external changes without losing your balance. Of course there are challenges to that stability, but if you can identify your strengths and values, you’ll be able to handle almost any situation that challenges your personal status quo.

This article was originally published on March 17, 2021.