Aquarium Age

The Aquarium Age: June 21-27

By Ralfee Finn

Today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, a day that signals a midpoint in yet another cycle in Earth’s orbit around the Sun, a day that has been celebrated in a wide range of cultures for centuries. The astrological marker for this celestial event is the Sun’s entry into the Sign of Cancer. In the United States, the Sun entered Cancer last night, on June 20. In Europe, the Sun moved into Cancer very close to sunrise on June 21. Cancer is a deeply feeling and sentimental Sign that symbolizes both the mother and the home. Its shadows are worry and concern about safety and security, issues often expressed as anxiety about not just what is, but also about what will be. Cancer is also the Sign of family, making this the perfect season to contemplate as well as participate in family activities. I realize that not every family is safe or loving, but lots of folks have the capacity to create a “family of choice”, and such a community can be a source of comfort and strength, whether it’s made up of friends, neighbors, pets, online contacts and connections, or, as some of my friends would have it, an extraterrestrial brotherhood.

As we cross the summer threshold we enter several weeks of increasing astral intensity, some subtle and some blatant. I realize that many readers are wondering if the planetary intensity will ever end…and I can’t honestly say that it will anytime soon, especially given the huge undertow of the collective unconscious that’s presented itself for healing. But the planets will still provide support for transformation as well as for periods of respite from the tumult—just not this week nor during the weeks to come.

On Sunday, June 25, Mars begins an opposition to Pluto, which is exact and separating on Sunday, July 2. This is a pernicious interaction which fosters a ruthless brutality that uses power, without regard for consequences, purely as a means of exerting control. Because Mars is in Cancer and close to the Sun (although not an exact conjunction), this opposition to Pluto is certain to exacerbate fears for safety. Gatherings for Independence Day celebrations may well require increased security. From an individual perspective, this Mars/Pluto opposition is likely to stir issues of personal power and the difficulty of getting one’s needs met. Don’t be surprised if surges of frustration and impatience pepper your interactions. As always, the best road is the high road—do not engage in ruthless behavior of any kind. This probably won’t be easy, if only because levels of personal and collective intensity are already pitched at such a high note. But as we are learning daily, compassion goes a long way toward soothing most situations.

Jupiter, in Libra, forms a square to Mars, in Cancer, which is exact and separating on Sunday, June 25. This fractious interaction tends to manifest as exaggeration and excess, especially when it comes to claims about what’s possible. Do your best to be circumspect and avoid hasty action of any kind—especially avoid lies unless you’re interested in growing a Pinocchio nose.

On Saturday, June 24, the New Moon, in Cancer, conjuncts Mars, giving us a preview of how the coming weeks are likely to unfold. Anticipate an emotional day for everyone. Do your best to dispel as much negativity as possible by simply refusing to take just about anything personally. And by that I mean integrate the awareness that most people are under a tremendous amount of stress and much of the anger that gets thrown around is grounded in projection, and there’s no need to attach to it.

As the coming weeks unfold, planetary patterns will become increasingly volatile. For mere mortals—like thee and me—this volatility translates into obstacles and interference from humans as well as from machines, and some might even mistake these obstacle for retrograde troubles. But it’s just the rawness of life on Planet Earth as all of us continue to react and respond to the moment, making it up as we go, co-creating reality, unconsciously and consciously. Do your best to continue to lend a helping hand—we are all in this together and every time we reach out to a fellow traveler the world becomes a kinder place.

Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries March 21-April 19
Restless is not your best mood—you’re simply too reliant on action as a way of alleviating stress, and sometimes your impatience just gets you into trouble and actually impedes progress. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, release the need to do something—anything—to make the energy move. The situation will unfold in its own time, at its own pace.

Taurus April 20-May 20
Intense conversations have the power to stir deep feelings, mostly about family and loved ones, but also about who you are and who you would like to be. There’s no need to steer clear of these interactions—they are not mean-spirited; they are guided by deep mutual intentions to heal, and sometimes the best way to do that is to simply talk it over.   

Gemini May 21-June 21
You may not want to wear your heart on your sleeve, but you don’t really have a choice—at least not this week. So rather than resist these emotional waters, figure out a strategy that enables you to navigate the ebb and flow wisely. This is not as challenging as you might think—you just have to be careful not to spend your energy on pie-in-the-sky plans and projects.

Cancer June 22-July 22
Yes…this is your moment…and it has the potential to be everything you want it to be, but only if you’re willing to make love instead of war. Yes…I am urging you to avoid confrontation, not because confrontation isn’t necessary, but because it will only drain your internal reserves and leave you empty—even if you win. Be a peacemaker as well as a peacekeeper and you will thrive.

Leo July 23-August 22
You will need a fair degree of self-discipline to keep your mental ruminations from becoming brooding brain worms. Avoid those famous energy-stealing parasites by keeping an open mind rather than a closed one that chews the same information over and over again. Important decisions always have a “what-if” component, but you’ve done all you can and now it’s time to just let go.

Virgo August 23-September 22
Be cautious about where and how you spend your social energy. I’m not suggesting you become a hermit—no way—but I am advising you to notice what draws you in and revitalizes your spirit—and what doesn’t. Occasionally, superficial interactions are necessary and enjoyable, but those frivolous hours need to be balanced with hours of depth and care.

Libra September 23-October 22
An astral spotlight illuminate concerns about your professional stature, but don’t worry…this just might be a phase of increased recognition. No matter where you are along the spectrum of acknowledgment, seize this moment and make the most of it by being gracious to all those around you, the ones who don’t sing your praises as well as the ones who do.      

Scorpio October 23-November 21
You’re dealing with a lot of details, most of which have a lot of moving parts, and tracking the action as the pieces of the puzzle fall into place could be mind-boggling. Don’t despair about the complexity of the moment. Yes…you are required to tackle both the big and the little aspects of the situation, something you can do quite easily if you just remember that you actually know what to do.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
The conflict constellates around issues of self-esteem—you have to have the self-confidence to step up to the plate and hit whatever comes at you into the outfield. Don’t doubt yourself—your I’ll-save-the-day attitude is actually real. Just dive into the thick of it and trust your innate gifts and talents to lead you to creative solutions nobody has yet explored.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
You have an interesting opportunity to hit the reset button in certain situations with specific significant others. Take advantage of this chance to start over by being completely authentic with yourself as well as with the other person or people involved. Even if you don’t want to rekindle an old flame, this is a chance to bring positive closure to the entire affair.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
Try to remember that you are not at war with anyone—not even yourself. If you can manage to put aside hostile or aggressive inclinations, you’ll find the patience to deal with a multitude of interruptions. I’m not suggesting you put aside your desires and support the dreams of others instead. I’m simply suggesting you assume an easier and lighter attitude about it all.

Pisces February 19-March 20
Don’t’ be shy. Don’t hold back. And definitely do hold forth. You’re likely to surprise everyone, even yourself, with your determination to be all you, all the time, and express each and every creative idea—but I wouldn’t worry about that. You’re in the zone where creativity just flows from one inspirational idea to another. Simply relax and enjoy the ride.

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This article was originally published on June 22, 2017.