Calibrating for dreams come true.
by Jeannette Maw Whether it’s a wish list to Santa, a longing in your heart or a formal set of goals and intentions, there’s something important to know when it comes to getting what you want. It’s not a matter of figuring out how to make it happen (that’s not your job) or proving yourself worthy (you already are).
In order to receive or experience whatever it is we want, we must first calibrate to it energetically. That is, to adjust our energy to match what we want.
Energetic calibration is simply to get on the same frequency as that which you desire. Since everything is made of energy, and everything has a frequency – that means you and your desire need to line up energetically in order to join up. (Remember that dissimilar frequencies don’t hang out together; similar frequencies do.)
So the best way, indeed the only way, to experience manifested desires is to get on the same frequency. Which is what your role is—creating that energetic alignment, or calibration.
If there’s something you’ve been struggling and failing to achieve (adopting healthier eating habits, getting your head above financial water, rising earlier each day to meditate), it may be because you’re miscalibrated to it.
Before we talk about how to recalibrate, let’s get clear about what keeps us from already being there.
What’s your comfort zone?
Early in the course of our lives we acquire a “zone” or “range” of how we’re used to experiencing life. That zone represents the level of satisfaction and fulfillment we typically experience in a given area, which we become so used to that we don’t consciously realize it and seldom stray from it. (Some authors call this phenomenon our personal blueprint or set point.)
For some of us, the range of experience is quite narrow, while for others it’s much broader. For example, Donald Trump appears to have a high comfort zone for financial wealth, while my ex-boyfriend’s “comfort” zone appears to be the barely-getting-by kind of low. You’ll recognize that all comfort zone aren’t necessarily comfortable, right? It’s just what we’re used to. And often we defend it—even though it may actually be a rut.
Once conscious of this phenomenon, you may become a no-limits sort of person. Or you may choose to live within a comfort zone in one area of your life, and play with the limits in another.
If I’m used to men treating me poorly, no matter how much I say I’m ready for Prince Charming, he can’t show up while I’m in this range. Or, if I’m used to living a fast and furious pace in life, no matter how strong my longing for peace and quiet, I won’t experience it while I reside in my comfort zone of fast and furious. In every aspect of life, we each have a range of how good we’re willing to let things be.
You can spot your personal comfort zone by consciously examining the circumstances and results in your life. You may find you gravitate to a certain level of income, a certain type of relationship or typical level of health—not getting much higher or lower than your set point.
Until we consciously choose to allow things to get better and claim a new standard for ourselves, we continue to experience life within that range.
Creating a new zone
This means getting used to life treating you better. This means feeling worthy. This means creating a new “normal” for yourself.
Sometimes it’s as simple as consciously acknowledging to yourself that you choose differently now. Or it may require investing more energy to calibrate to a new set point.
Author John Assaraf (“The Answer”) suggests this practice:
Three times a day for 30 minutes each session, practice 10 minutes of meditation, followed by 10 minutes of visualizing your desire, completed with 10 minutes of affirming aloud what you want. Assaraf says the meditation trains your brain to focus, the visualizing leverages the brain’s reticular activating system (for powerful manifesting), and that the affirmations allow you to adopt empowering beliefs—all of which leads to reconditioning of the mind—that is, recalibration.
Although Assaraf makes an excellent case for this disciplined routine in “The Answer,” you may also have success using just one of the elements he describes. I’ve also found success with two or three minutes each (instead of 10) of meditation, visualization and affirmations.
Regardless of how we practice it, magic happens once we get conscious about acclimating ourselves to a new reality.
Recalibration in action
For the last decade or so, Michelle fluctuated from 20 to 25 pounds over her desired weight. No diet or exercise program she tried resulted in sustainable weight loss, despite also working with hypnosis and other techniques.
Gay Hendricks’ book, “The Big Leap,” clued Michelle into the idea that she was likely experiencing an “upper limit problem.” Bumping into an upper limit is to reach the top end of your comfort zone. So while she may say she wanted an ideal weight, Michelle’s programming was set to keep her where she was “comfortable”: with 20-plus extra pounds.
With awareness lies freedom! Michelle began to practice self-love and worthiness by embracing a stronger appreciation of her body. Although she’s not yet at her ideal weight, Michelle is within five to 10 pounds of it.
This is your invitation to look at what you’ve been wanting, and ask yourself if it’s outside your range of “normal.” If so, support your achievement of it by calibrating to a new normal and expand your comfort zone to allow this desire into your life. The books mentioned above are excellent guides for your journey if you’d like support in the process.
As always, and especially for this upcoming new year, best wishes for all your favorite dreams and desires coming true! Namaste.
Jeannette Maw is a Law of Attraction coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching in Salt Lake City.