Briefly Noted

What’s new at Wasatch Community Gardens

By Staff

The big news is that the popular nonprofit gardening organization has become the proud owner of acreage adjacent to its well-used Grateful Tomato Garden on 800 South at 600 East. We’ll tell you more about that next month.

In the meantime, if you speak another language, consider volunteering as an interpreter. Also, reliable and affordable carpenters, electricians, welders, and plumbers are also needed for some special garden projects.

Are you an experienced gardener or are you doing something cool, innovative, and unique on the urban homestead front? Consider teaching a workshop for Wasatch Community Gardens in 2018.

Contact Laura Leach, community relations and volunteer director, 801.359.2658 x11. LAURA@WASATCHGARDENS.ORG

This article was originally published on November 10, 2017.