Transform U: Best Foot Forward

By Auretha Callison

A wild eye for style can transform.
by Auretha Callison
Here's my job description: I assist people in their evolution towards authentic self-expression. That sounds pretty intense, but mostly it's helping them express their style and best colors-making them look sharp and amazing (focus on the zing). I create a style for people that others experience as "Wow! That's who you are! I see you."

I want to be seen as the truest, most beautiful version of the individual I am, and I want to help others to be seen in this same light. I strip away and unclutter to define and design a person's style consistent with their energy, interests and creativity.

Transformation is the critical inch of my business. I sort through with you what is working and trans the form of what is not working-the heavy, clunky, weird energy …like the jacket that never felt quite right; it takes up valuable space in your life and irritates you with a consistent dull hum.

What is working adds energy right now. Presently ruby red and copper work for me. These colors transmit the truest signal of me to myself and the world around me. In my ruby-red knee-high patent leather superwoman sexpot footwear, I receive constant admiration, appreciation and offers to lick my boots. These boots stir the creativity and imagination of my community. I am stirring the pot when I wear them.

I feel powerful, comfortable, wealthy, tall and female when I wear these fabulous works of Franco Sarto.

Well worth $90, don't you think? I do. I step into the me that feels all these wonderful feelings instead of the childlike Iowan sensible creature that I know myself to be. I get to be mysterious and seductive-the naughty with the nice. The moment I take them off, I stretch my calves and come down to earth again.

I am transformed by the wearing of these boots.

For everyone, the critical question of transformation is "How do I want to feel?" Once we make the choice to feel the way we want to feel, fear often strikes. Can my honest Midwestern self also be powerful and sexy? What will others think of me? Hmm, that can be scary stuff.  We can develop and express all the best parts of ourselves, and usually simultaneously. However quickly you want to transform is up to your comfort level.

No matter how overused, I love the imagery of the squirmy, juicy, inelegant caterpillar evolving into the fairy-footed, gossamer butterfly. It's the transformation from overly grounded to fluttery fabulousness in the miracle of a natural process.

Transformation isn't hard, but naturally  it may be uncomfortable at points. A brilliant poet client of mine manifested an entire shoe collection in one hour and $300 at the Rack. She went from one pair of clogs to 13 pairs of glamour in one hour of choice and a commitment to see what would happen.

When I do my work, I feel elated to be a part of the process inside the cocoon. In this intimate and wondrous process, I am honored in the way a midwife is honored receiving a new being into the world. I witness miracles and the universe guiding us with every step.

Auretha Callison is an intuitive image stylist living in Salt Lake City.

This article was originally published on January 1, 2008.