Blogs, The Novice’s Grimoire

The Novice’s Grimoire: Apr. 7-14

By Z. Smith

Hello again! This week, we are talking about diamond, a gem of exciting qualities and also the birthstone of those born in April—happy birthday, applicable novices! In the past, much like in the present, diamonds were worn and glorified due to their dazzling appearance and durability—often the jewel of choice for royalty and warriors. It wasn’t until more modern times, with the use of modern technology, that the diamond has been able to achieve its sumptuous geometric and light-refracting qualities. In ancient Grecian lore, it is said that Cupid’s arrows were tipped with diamond so as to better pierce the hearts of potential lovers.

Crystal – Diamond
Mineral Class: Natural Elements
Energy: Projective
Planet: Sun
Elements: Fire
Deity: Cupid (Venus by some)
Powers: Spirituality, Courage, Peace, Strength, Sexual confidence

Hello again! This week, we are talking about diamond, a gem of exciting qualities and also the birthstone of those born in April—happy birthday, applicable novices!

In the past, much like in the present, diamonds were worn and glorified due to their dazzling appearance and durability—often the jewel of choice for royalty and warriors. It wasn’t until more modern times, with the use of modern technology, that the diamond has been able to achieve its sumptuous geometric and light-refracting qualities. In ancient Grecian lore, it is said that Cupid’s arrows were tipped with diamond so as to better pierce the hearts of potential lovers.

Some claim that, medically, diamond can be used to heal a variety of diseases that affect the brain, nervous system, sensory organs, and hormonal glands—this, of course, is little more than speculation, and by what means is unclear.

In terms of magic, the uses of diamond have been tested well by individuals of the practice. If worn during a spiritual ritual, the gem is said to produce a spiritual ecstasy and greater cosmic awareness, and is often used by shamans for such a purpose. Through continual contact, either from wearing or carrying, diamond is said to produce a sexual confidence with the opposite sex, even, in some cases, eliminating sexual dysfunction in an individual and couple. If set into a bracelet or ring of steel, the diamond will imbue the wearer with a burning bravery and strength, pushing the wearer on towards victories of all kinds.

Diamond has been thought, by some, to be an all-purpose stone, bringing almost any desired effect to the owner. Whether or not this is true is debatable, yet along similar lines, the diamond can be used as an all-stone, of sorts, to heighten the power of other stones. In ritual, place the diamond next to the stone you are trying to use, and feel as the diamond begins to enhance the energies of the other stone to astronomical heights.

Diamond—what a gem! Come back next week where we’ll be discussing the powers, uses and properties of orange blossom oil.

Z. Smith is a cookie connoisseur, moonlight meanderer, and aesthete at large. His work has previously appeared in 13 Experiments, Folio, Stone Soup Review, SLUG Magazine, and CATALYST Magazine. He earned his BA in English from The University of Utah and currently writes from a room with many plants.


Crystal Power, Crystal Healing: The Complete Handbook by Michael Gienger
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham

This article was originally published on April 7, 2016.