Aquarium Age, Blogs

The Aquarium Age: Oct. 28 – Nov. 3

By Ralfee Finn

This week provides another opportunity to breathe deeply and get grounded. As part of that support, it’s possible to feel rooted in the day-to-day goings on of life, and in that immersion, to handle the details of daily living without feeling overwhelmed by the thousand “things” demanding attention. For some, this sensible sensibility might be boring, especially after so many months—make that years—of high-intensity astral cycles that transformed personal and collective lives into high-stake dramas. For others, the absence of a daily disturbance is certain to be a welcome relief.

But probably everyone needs to remember that emotional bodies are highly addictive, and when the tumult gets dialed down, the need for crisis often increases. And in the absence of true turmoil, emotional bodies will create something—anything—to keep those adrenalin levels high. Pay attention to where you or someone close to you might be uncomfortable with the break in the intensity. And when possible opt for a low-key solution to whatever the immediate situation might be.

The source of stability continues to be the Jupiter/Pluto trine. Mars and Venus have separated out of this positive configuration; they were key players for the last two weeks. But Jupiter remains in close enough contact with Pluto to still infuse minds and hearts with a positive, ambitious, enterprising energy. This trine supports a wide range of endeavors in the pursuit of success.

There are several sources of irritation, but none strong enough to override the power of Jupiter/Pluto. The first irritant was the Full Moon, yesterday, and all of the emotional brouhaha that usually accompanies the high rise of emotional tides. Try to be patient with those around you, friends as well as strangers, whose emotional bodies could cling to this lunar interaction, using it as an excuse to amp up reactive stances even when they aren’t warranted.

It’s the second interaction, a Saturn/Neptune square, which could be a problem, even though it’s wide and subtle and won’t be completely present until the third week of November. Saturn signifies boundaries. It’s the concrete, actual voice of reality. Neptune symbolizes vastness. It’s the abstract, vague and often amorphous voice of the imagination. Squares indicate the type of friction that makes enough sparks to ignite a full-scale battle. But because this square occurs in Water Signs, the Signs of feeling and intuition, and because this square involves a strong Neptune, in Pisces, its Home Sign, we’re more likely to experience this influence as disintegration, dissolution, and dissipation, rather than confrontation. Do your best to stay clear about your priorities and the where, why, what, and how of personal discipline. As the effect of this Saturn/Neptune square increases, staying focused might grow increasingly difficult.

All that being said, this week is still a great week to settle down and settle in. There’s only two months left until the end of the 2015, and one way to spend the remaining time would be to engage in a non-retrograde review of a most intense year of shift. So much has changed, but so much is still shifting that it’s hard to find solid ground, inside or out. Use this week’s grounded energy to gain perspective. And if perspective isn’t possible, just get a good rest.

Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries March 21-April 19
There are a lot of personal financial details that need your attention. So even if it is boring and/or depressing, don’t procrastinate organizing your m-o-n-e-y. Often an accurate accounting reveals the necessary next steps, and while you may be dreading the bottom line, you might also be motivated to put a new plan in motion.

Taurus April 20-May 20
Continue to be confident in your methods and your efforts, especially as you turn your attention to partnership matters, personal and/or professional. There’s nothing to worry about, and every reason to expect equally confident participation from significant others.

Gemini May 21-June 21
It’s an emotional week, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing, particularly if you are willing to share your feelings openly and honestly. Yes, some of what you have to say could meet with a judgmental reaction from friends and family. But don’t let that deter you from telling your truth.

Cancer June 22-July 22
Feel your way into a new active creative phase by putting judgment aside and trusting your intuition. Allow yourself to be inspired, and you’ll gain access to a treasure trove of ideas. And here is the best part: Bringing your ideas to life will be great fun, even if it’s also hard work.

Leo July 23-August 22
While the beneficial financial opportunities persist, the good news this week is that you can finally exhale and come to rest. Yes, there’s still work to do, but it is all a labor of love. What’s more, you feel a deep internal sense of gratitude that translates into an abiding calm.

Virgo August 23-September 22
There’s plenty of time to worry about what’s next. So rather than squander the solid support of the current moment, give yourself permission to relax and enjoy it. Even if it’s true that there’s always more, what makes that cliché tolerable is a strong confidence that more is sometimes better.

Libra September 23-October 22
The moment of nearly perfect equilibrium continues, even as you turn your attention to money matters. Be aware: Worrying about money has never ever made money. Being grateful always produces abundance. Sounds counter intuitive, but only at first.

Scorpio October 23-November 21
Your appetite for conversation continues, but this week, you’re interested more in information than opinion. Honor that interest, and spend as much time as possible gathering your facts and figures. If there’s something you want to know about, find the expert, and ask your questions.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Lots of people look to you for advice, and even though you feel as if your reservoirs of common sense are depleted, you still have wise words to offer. I’m not suggesting that every utterance is sheer brilliance, but I am advising you to trust the voice of personal experience.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
Indulge your desire to commune with friends of like mind and you’ll find yourself engaged in all sorts of activities, all of which have the potential to stimulate body, mind, and spirit. You don’t have to have a formal gathering for this to work. All you have to do is say “hi” to your neighbor and let the rest unfold.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
You’re balancing the external pull toward a more expansive, public position, but you’re feeling a very real need to focus more on spiritual pursuits. Think synthesize rather than polarize, and you’ll find the power to access a positive balance.

Pisces February 19-March 20
There’s a lot of studying and gathering information in the hope of being able to sort through complex circumstances with significant others. Good—support your position with tangible, actual details, and you’ll create fertile ground for a positive outcome.

This article was originally published on October 29, 2015.