We’re in the countdown to the end of a long, intense and exhausting year. There’s a mere three weeks to the Solstice and the return of the light, but these next 21 days are the darkest days of the year in the northern hemisphere, and they are days best spent in quiet introspection and contemplation of what’s behind us as well as what lies ahead. But we are also only three weeks away from Christmas and the start of 2017, which means the next several weeks are a maze of festivals and celebrations, all of which easily, and in many cases, joyously distract us from more thoughtful pursuits. It’s the normal seasonal push/pull that occurs almost every year, but this year, given the intensity levels of the last several weeks, distraction is almost certain to trump careful consideration. The best advice I can offer is to do your best to find a balance between internal and external processes, but it might not be easy to follow that advice because a significant planetary interaction highlights the tension between these two inclinations, making it quite possible to feel as if you are up one moment and down the next. The willingness to embrace this year’s seasonal flux—and the planetary seesaw—just may be the best antidote for the push/pull. Allowing the flow rather than resisting it will keep you from going to extremes.
The astral seesaw and the astral indicator of this year’s seasonal tension is a powerful opposition between Jupiter and Uranus. We are in the grip of this opposition all month long because all month long, Uranus seemingly slows down in preparation for its course correction on December 29, when it goes direct. (More about that later in the month.) The Jupiter/Uranus opposition is exact and separating on December 26, just three days before Uranus Direct, which could turn the holiday festivities a little more than topsy-turvy. Be prepared for erratic rhythms. And be sure to include Mercury Retrograde (yes, another one to end the year), which begins on December 19 and ends on January 8, 2017. (More about that next week.) By the way, there are two more exact Jupiter/Uranus oppositions ahead: March 3 and September 28, 2017.
Jupiter, the planet of great good fortune, is in Libra, the Sign of relating. Uranus, the Che Guevara of the sky, is in Aries, the Sign of individuating. Jupiter/Uranus combinations are fundamentally optimistic interactions that tend to manifest as surprising twists of fate and reversals of fortune that provide antidotes to unreasonable situations. This combination also leans toward a love of freedom and a devotion to independence. For individuals, this opposition is likely to translate into a tug-of-needs—your needs versus the needs of significant others, personal or professional. And because Uranus is in Aries, this tug of needs is likely to be about the need for personal freedom. Simple requests like a call or text from a traveling spouse or child or business partner before bedtime could be perceived as an unreasonable demand, just as expressing a desire to know the day’s schedule could be seen as controlling. Conversely, a lack of interest in that schedule might be interpreted as a lack of passion or interest.
From a political point of view, the mounting tension of this opposition exacerbates the already polarized state of affairs, not just in the United States, but everywhere, as nations around the globe try to balance the needs of the one with the needs of the many—a process that is going to take much longer than this phase of Jupiter/Uranus oppositions. Keep in mind that this opposition is about tension and its release through unforeseen events. So many of the factors contributing to the current state of chaos were previously seen as unpredictable that I dare not even venture a guess about what can or will happen next. But one thing is for sure: There will be many more encounters with zealots and freedom fighters as well as innovators and inventors.
As this week and the coming weeks unfold, do your best to find your internal center—that still point within that is always in tune with the fire as well as the breath of the life force. Use that connection to inform your external activities so that intentions and actions are spiritually aligned. That alignment will help you find and maintain your balance even in the midst of the current extremes. That alignment also has the potential to help others find their internal/external orientation. Be an example to others by leading with awareness as well as kindness.
Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.
Aries March 21-April 19
Consider this phase a profound opportunity to align thought, word and deed, even if it takes time and practice to embody a congruent presence. If you’re willing and determined to persist and persevere in your efforts to walk your talk, your determination will have a profound effect on family, friends and associates.
Taurus April 20-May 20
Own your ambition and spend time strategizing how to bring your vision to fruition. I’m not guaranteeing that every plan will succeed, but I am sure that well-organized intentions have the potential to gain traction. Remember, the first rule of magic: The universe rearranges itself to accommodate your picture of reality.
Gemini May 21-June 21
It’s all about having the confidence to believe in yourself as well as in your ability to apply your wisdom to relationships with significant others, both personal and professional. Several people are waiting for you to make the first move, so don’t hesitate to share important information that will improve all your partnerships.
Cancer June 22-July 22
It’s still a cranky-pants moment as you do your best to care for others as you simultaneously attempt to nourish yourself. Consider the possibility that it’s not possible to be all things for everyone—even yourself—and that it might be wise to enlist some aid. There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain by allowing others to help.
Leo July 23-August 22
Meaningful conversations with loved ones will help you work your way through the discomfort of your current state of disequilibrium. Yes, it is challenging to reconcile ideals with reality, but that’s true all the time, not just now. So, take a deep breath and rely on the stability of significant others to help you find your balance.
Virgo August 23-September 22
You’re doing your best to handle an abundance of energy, and while you can spend some of that surplus physically through exercise and other activities, you can also use it to take advantage of several opportunities to help others. I’m not advising you to make sacrifices. I’m simply suggesting you explore the benefits of being of service.
Libra September 23-October 22
Even if you think you don’t have any artistic skill, immerse yourself in a creative process, specifically a process that requires you to bring something to life. You might consider gardening, writing, painting, ceramics, or cooking. Just do it, as Natalie Goldberg once wrote, and let the doing of it feed your body, mind and spirit.
Scorpio October 23-November 21
It’s a multidimensional challenge: You’re busy within, sorting through and analyzing all sorts of new and expansive feelings, and you’re equally engaged in life around you, with all its demands on your time and energy. Meditation or mindful movement will provide the support you need to handle the flux.
Sagittarius November 22-December 21
You are certainly no slouch when it comes to conversation. Other than your counterpart, Gemini, you are the most loquacious Sign in the system. This is not the time to succumb to silence—your insights are needed. Use that gift of gab and share your ideas with others. Your enthusiasm will inspire positive action.
Capricorn December 22-January 19
There’s no need to apologize for the instinct to seize the moment and aim it at success. You have an opportunity to apply enough elbow grease to the situation to make it work, even if it seems impossible. And don’t be shy about trying something new—seizing the moment means freeing yourself from constraints.
Aquarius January 20-February 18
The situation you’re dealing with is part of a much longer process than you previously realized, and part of the problem is that you’re having difficulty seeing your position through the lens of a broad perspective. Rely on your innate egalitarian attitude to help you sort through the complexity of roles and diffuse the desire to polarize.
Pisces February 19-March 20
Your imagination is working overtime, and while that’s not a bad thing, you could feel overwhelmed by all the ideas you now have about how to create greater balance. Take a deep breath and start to work your way through idea-by-idea, always asking how each could serve to benefit all participants.
Ralfee Finn specializes in Transformational Astrology. For readings, call 1-212-222-3232, write P.O. Box 343, New York, NY 10025, visit AquariumAge.com, or e-mail ralfee@aquariumage.com. Copyright © 2016 by Ralfee Finn