Aquarium Age, Blogs

The Aquarium Age: May 20 – June 10

By Ralfee Finn

I am taking off for all—well, almost all—Mercury Retrograde. For those new to Mercury Retrograde, here are the rules: Expect communication and travel snafus of every variety. If you can, put off lauching anything new until after June 11–and at best, June 15. Instead, use this time to review, reflect, and reconsider what is already in motion. See you back here on June 10, 2015. By the way, I am still reading charts; I’m just not writing the column during the retrograde.

Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries March 21-April 19
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of communication, so not only are you repeating yourself, but everyone else is too and the repetition compulsion could drive you crazy. Of course, a certain amount of review is always necessary, but too much is just that, and it’s so much that you might start barking orders and that won’t serve anyone. So take a deep breath, contain your frustration, and figure out what to do with your excess energy.

Taurus April 20-May 20
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of personal finance—I can hear that groan from here and the retrograde hasn’t even started. There are positive ways to frame this painstaking review of your m-o-n-e-y, but you have to be unstintingly honest with yourself about what you spend and why. I’m not suggesting you stop spending; I am simply advising you to pay attention to your finances so you can bring greater awareness to your choices.

Gemini May 21-June 21
Mercury, your Ruling Planet, goes retrograde in your Solar House of personality, which could generate a mini identity crisis, especially if you find yourself declaring martial law—Mars is, after all, in the same sector of your Solar chart. Relationships with significant others are at the core of this self-defining process, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself utterly impatient with behavior you once easily tolerated. Keep your cool by remembering that each encounter is a lesson in self-awareness.

Cancer June 22-July 22
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of the unconscious, which continues to put you at risk for a protracted Brain Worm episode, especially as Mercury mulls over recent encounters, conversations, and clashes with the ideas and opinions of others. The best way through this review is to keep an open mind. Yes, there are certain principles to maintain, but that shouldn’t keep you from staying flexible and willing to discard old systems that no longer serve.

Leo July 23-August 22
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of community, and as it retraces its path, you’re revisiting recent events and interactions with an eye toward understanding the long-term consequences of your participation. Embrace this process, even if it is uncomfortable, and even if it seems tedious. Take the time to pay attention to previously overlooked or easily dismissed details and you’re likely to discover valuable information.

Virgo August 23-September 22
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of recognition, which is often the sector of the chart where we find career activity. Don’t be surprised if you feel certain opportunities seem as if they are suddenly on hold. Don’t worry. This is not about missing important moments. This retrograde phase is about getting your obligations, professional or social, in order, so that you can move forward on a solid and thoroughly grounded foundation.

Libra September 23-October 22
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of global travel, so if you’re planning a trip, try to get everything sewed up before the retrograde—and if you can, wait to travel. That area of your solar chart is also the sector of belief systems, which means the retrograde could also challenge some of the ways you structure your world view. The best way through either scenario (and probably several more) is simply to stay flexible and open to making all the necessary adjustments.

Scorpio October 23-November 21
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of transformation, which makes it quite likely you will be experiencing more than a few degrees of change during the retro-phase. Embrace this process by reviewing and reconsidering recent decisions and/or analysis of certain situations regarding issues of trust and control. Allow this process and you’ll emerge from it with valuable information to facilitate the next step.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of relationship and…really…is there anything more to say? Okay, there is: Be prepared to review certain partnership interactions, especially those that feel out of balance. Put no one on a pedestal and allow no one to elevate you. The goal of this retrograde process is learning to refine your ability to build and maintain relationships with equals, each participating and fully engaged.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
Mercury goes Retrograde in your Solar House of health, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself taking a detailed inventory of what you need to work on, refine, or improve as part of your personal regimen. Pay particular attention to diet and exercise. And if you are completely in the pink and in no need of improvement, see if there is a way you can help those you love find their best state of fitness. And if everyone is just dandy, maybe there is a pet or two who could use a fresh diet.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of romance—which is also the Solar House of self-expression, but I think romance is more in keeping with the seasonal vibe. As Mercury reviews your romantic situation, you might find yourself mulling over the details of your current relationship. There’s no need to resist this process. You might also find old lovers making contact and checking in. Or, you just might meet someone new.

Pisces February 19-March 20
Mercury goes retrograde in the deepest section of your chart or what I like to call the Solar House of the home—this is where your internal center extends out into your external one. You can hibernate during this phase and gather your strength. You can redecorate and make your home cozier and more comfortable. Or you can make “home” improvements: meditate more, take up t’ai chi or yoga or another method that will help you come to peace more easily and skillfully.

Ralfee Finn specializes in Transformational Astrology. For readings, call 1-212-222-3232, write P.O. Box 343, New York, NY 10025, visit, or e-mail
Copyright © 2015 by Ralfee Finn

This article was originally published on May 21, 2015.