Aquarium Age, Blogs

The Aquarium Age: Mar. 5-12

By Ralfee Finn

“Confusion” is the keyword for the week. So don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re feeling like the Mad Hatter. There is so much contradictory astral activity that even the best multitasking efforts are likely to resemble a smattering and scattering of energy, intentions, goals, and objectives. Last Friday, Mercury went direct, freeing us from its retrograde snafus. But before any of us had a chance to calculate and apply personal course corrections, we were immediately immersed in the doldrums of Mars Retrograde, on March 1, a condition that only worsened when Saturn went retrograde on March 2. Yet these are not the only start-stop contributors to the disorder, disarray, and disruption of daily life.

On March 6, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, goes direct, signaling opportunities for an expansive and optimistic outlook. Unfortunately, as the weight of Jupiter’s positivity coalesces with the stagnation of Martian motion, as well as the depth defying review of Saturn, many of us are likely to experience serious conflicts between what we hope we can do and what we are able to actually manifest. The secret to handling these crosscurrents is finding and maintaining an internal balance. But even if holding steady is difficult, any attempt to stay centered will have positive results.

Mars is retrograde in Libra, the Sign of relationships, and as it moves through its retrospective, many of us will be examining and reexamining relationship issues. Be prepared for encounters with significant others, past and present, but also be aware that significant others aren’t always romantic partners. Business alliances, friendships, pets, work, and even places are often where we meet the challenge of relating, not to mention how we relate to ourselves. And by that I mean how we respect and honor our needs, desires, gifts, talents, and (Dare I say it?) issues. It’s always easier to project on to others what we don’t want to recognize in ourselves, and Mars Retrograde offers a multitude of opportunities to recognize those projections. Remember: If you spot it and have a charge on it, it’s usually because you got it.

Everyone has Libra somewhere in their birth chart, which means each of us will be experiencing the intensity of Mars Retrograde somewhere in our lives. Mars, as I have mentioned many times, isn’t the least bit interested in moving backward and as the retrograde unfolds that resistance is likely to be reflected through our own refusal to accept certain conditions or information. Notice where you are resistant to acknowledging particular patterns and then, use that resistance to identify the next step in personal work.

Saturn is retrograde in Scorpio, the Sign of transformation: birth, death, and rebirth. Saturn symbolizes systems and structures, and its journey through any Sign identifies and delineates weak spots in the foundation of whatever it is we are trying to organize, build or establish. Saturn’s transit through Scorpio, at least for the next couple of months, is focused on what we cling to and why we hold on so tightly. This retrograde phase lasts until July 20. Use this time to examine issues of attachment.

Jupiter goes direct on March 6 in a trine to the Sun, and this is the very good news for the week. This trine has been in effect since February 24, but frankly, it wasn’t possible to access its benevolence, given the other overriding and heavier planetary patterns. A Sun/Jupiter trine is all about laughter, so find the funny this week, even in the midst of the angst—gallows humor, if necessary, just not at the expense of others.

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.

Aries March 21-April 19
Saturn tightens the financial reins, asking you to simply become more aware of your financial habits. Jupiter makes home an even more cozy place to be. These forces are not at odds with each other, and their combined strength could be the antidote to what ails.

Taurus April 20-May 20
Saturn is retrograde in your Solar House of relationship, revisiting partnership patterns and pointing out the weak spots. Jupiter is moving forward in your Solar House of communication. I guess that means you’ll be talking to those you love about what matters most.

Gemini May 21-June 21
Saturn reviews issues of work and service, inviting you to consider how you can better align and refine your time and efforts. Jupiter goes direct in your house of personal finance, and while I certainly can’t guarantee the outcome, this review could manifest as a raise or similar increase.

Cancer June 22-July 22
Saturn scrutinizes your creative efforts. Jupiter focuses on a jovial expansive persona. There’s nothing at all negative about this combination. Especially if your willing to do whatever it takes to integrate and apply what you’ve been learning about love.

Leo July 23-August 22
Saturn is focused on home improvements, inside and out, and Jupiter assists in the process by illuminating some of your unconscious processes. Pay attention to your dreams—they have the power to deliver genuinely helpful information.

Virgo August 23-September 22
Saturn facilitates a review of recent communications and conversations, but that’s no reason to brood over what was or wasn’t said. This is an opportunity to mend fences, especially as Jupiter moves forward in your house of community.

Libra September 23-October 22
Saturn invites you to take a thorough look at your resources, but be aware, this is not just about money. You have an opportunity to look closely at issues of self-esteem. Jupiter focuses on career opportunities, and the combined focus could make this a win/win phase.

Scorpio October 23-November 21
Saturn’s journey through your Sign hasn’t been easy, and part of its presence has required you to redefine yourself. While this process has been heavy at times, you now have the assistance of Jupiter, who will lighten the load as it simultaneously helps you to live up to your greatest ideals.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Try not to let Saturn’s reflections on your psychological patterns turn into a brood-fest on all the things that aren’t “right.” Instead, use Jupiter’s expansive force in your Solar House of transformation to make the changes you already know will help you to grow.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
Saturn Retrograde is certain to surface old aspirations about how to share your gifts with your community—a worthy theme to contemplate. And to help that process, Jupiter has the power to bring helpful partnerships into your life who will assist in moving you forward.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
Saturn Retrograde in your Solar House of career reviews recent career choices, with a special emphasis on what needs to be strengthened in your foundation. Jupiter graces your Solar House of work and employment—a good combination that bodes well for your success.

Pisces February 19-March 20
Saturn examines your belief systems—the what, why, where, and how you experience your most expansive worldview. Jupiter, generally known as the most expansive planet, stirs your creativity. Use this phase to shed old skins that no longer support the broadest view possible.

Ralfee Finn specializes in Transformational Astrology. For readings, call 1-888-937-9264, write P.O. Box 343, New York, NY 10025, visit, or e-mail
Copyright © 2014 by Ralfee Finn

This article was originally published on March 6, 2014.