Aquarium Age, Blogs

The Aquarium Age: Feb. 18-24

By Ralfee Finn

So Mercury went direct and Uranus took over, right? Or am I the only one who experienced several vital areas of life simply going topsy-turvy in the nanosecond it took to adjust to a hassle-free communication environment? And if your life didn’t rattle or roll with a surprising plot twist or two in the last week, then you might want to be prepared for several startling developments this week, as well as the next several weeks.

We’re in the inexorable approach to the seventh and final (at least in this cycle) Uranus/Pluto square, on March 17, and daily life reflects that mounting intensity in situations both large and small. From a personal perspective, many are dealing with a crisis (or crises) stemming directly from issues that can no longer be denied or ignored. From a collective perspective, so many boundaries have disintegrated and dissolved over the last several years that the rules of the game—particularly the rules of war (if such rules are possible)—seem to shift with the wind, creating chaos and violence even in places that are not prone to warfare. From either point of view, very little about life resembles what it once was or what we hope it might be.

Several current astrological factors amplify the intensity. First, Mars moves into Aries, its Home Sign, tomorrow. Mars symbolizes the ability to take a stand in the world. At the negative end of that ability lies raw self-assertion that often expresses itself through a belligerent attitude or a bellicose personality. At the positive end, Mars represents the principle of self-actualization, the ability to fully realize and utilize the gifts and talents that are uniquely one’s own. Aries signifies that process of individuation—the will, as well as the desire, to know oneself as separate and distinct from others. When Mars transits Aries that concentration either manifests as the brutish/boorish need to brawl over any perceived infraction. Or it can manifest as the ability to take a stand for something greater than the personal ego, and by doing so, activate the potential to transform self-involvement into a more expansive, generous worldview, one that sees the needs of others as equal to or perhaps even more important than personal needs. As Mars matures, the needs of the many often become a greater priority than the needs of the one.

Over the next several weeks, Mars moves into a conjunction with Uranus and a square to Pluto, both interactions exact on the same day, March 11, just a little under a week before the exact contact between Uranus and Pluto. Mars, Uranus, and Pluto are a fundamentally volatile combination of influences, a combination that’s certain to inflame already over-stimulated situations and circumstances, both individual and collective. Make it a point to watch your temper over the coming weeks. Try not to assume either the victim or the victimizer role. Instead, try to find a neutral stance that doesn’t contribute to the fracas of clashing egos, agendas, and opinions.

The good news is that by this time next week Venus joins the team, and her presence could soften the hard of edges of Mars as it joins with Uranus and Pluto. The very good news is that before the tension of the seventh square releases, the Venus/Uranus conjunction trines Jupiter on March 3 and 4, offering the promise of lessening stresses and strains through divine intervention. Whether that intervening presence is simply good old-fashioned common sense or some form of magic that pulls individuals and/or governments back from the brink remains to be seen. But the entire bundle speaks to positive reconciliation and outcomes.

I know no reminders are necessary, but as tensions mount and intensities intensify, remember to be as kind as possible to your fellow travelers. We are all in this together and most of us feel better about our situation when we don’t feel so alone.

Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries March 21-April 19
Step into the command position—you’ve earned the right to assume the helm. Just make sure you have a strategy in place that empowers others to feel comfortable as you lead the way. Remember, everybody is a star and all of us like to be honored for our contribution.

Taurus April 20-May 20
Mars moves into your Solar House of introspection, a position that could turn into a brood-fest. But if you consider it just a brief hibernation phase, the internal activity could be beneficial. Pay close attention to your dreams—they’re likely to reveal clues in your ongoing information treasure hunt.

Gemini May 21-June 21
Mars stimulates your Solar House of community and its presence activates a desire for greater personal participation in community activities. Assess where your talents might be best used in serving others, but also consider where you will derive the greatest satisfaction.

Cancer June 22-July 22
Mars enters your Solar House of career, stimulating your desire to be recognized for your gifts and how those talents contribute to the entire situation. Don’t be shy; this is the perfect moment to put yourself in the spotlight, share your ideas and opinions, and let your light shine.

Leo July 23-August 22
Mars moves into your Solar House of global expansion and you’re ready to set sail to foreign lands, whether those new territories be actual places or new internal terrain. Perhaps a little of both would be the best way to spend this penetrating presence.

Virgo August 23-September 22
As Mars transits your Solar House of transformation, you may find yourself restless to improve certain areas of your life. Be proactive about what you want to shift and Mars will provide the willpower to move into a new and more satisfying direction.

Libra September 23-October 22
Mars enters your Solar House of relationship and you enter a new phase of asserting your needs with significant others. Here’s the secret to handling this Martian force: Steer clear of passive-aggressive behavior by showing up, staying present, and being honest.

Scorpio October 23-November 21
Mars moves into your Solar House of service, and it doesn’t matter whether its presence shows up as an increased workload or an increased need to take care of persistent health problems. No matter what you find yourself concentrating on, you’ll be getting the job done.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Mars transits your Solar House of romance and creativity, and you could find yourself falling love with everyone—including yourself. Or you could just as easily find the courage to tell the one you really care about just how deep your feelings are.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
Mars turns your attention toward home as it transits the deepest part of your chart—what I like to call the bottom of the psychic pond—stirring issues of safety and security. Use this transit to get in touch with what you really need for you to feel at home, inside and out.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
Mars has you talking a lot about several surprising subjects, and even though the subject matter may be uncomfortable—even startling to old friends and loved ones—the willingness to explore a new ideas will help you to clarify what it is you’re really searching for.

Pisces February 19-March 20
Mars puts the emphasis on resources, and whether that translates into financial assets or the ability to see yourself as a resource—or both—depends on your ability to take a stand for what you need and what you desire. Don’t be afraid to put “it” out there—you might be surprised at the return.

Ralfee Finn specializes in Transformational Astrology. For readings, call 1-212-222-3232, write P.O. Box 343, New York, NY 10025, visit, or e-mail
Copyright © 2015 by Ralfee Finn

This article was originally published on February 21, 2015.