Environews, Minis

Seven Canyons Trust to daylight hidden water

By Amy Brunvand

Seven Canyons Trust to daylight hidden water

People who lived in Salt Lake City during the 1983 floods still remember that, despite the disaster, there was something magical about water flowing through the streets.
There are 21 miles of buried creeks underneath the pavement of the city. In 2014 the Seven Canyons Trust formed with a mission to uncover City, Red Butte, Parley’s, Emigration, Mill, Little Cottonwood and Big Cottonwood Creeks. In June the Trust received a $1.2 million grant to daylight 200 feet of waterway at a place near the Sorenson Multicultural Center where Red Butte, Emigration and Parley’s Creeks enter the Jordan River. Salt Lake City and the Jordan River Commission are partners in the project which is scheduled to begin in 2018. (See story, “Rivers Revisited,” Oct 2016)

Three Creeks Confluence of Jordan River Reactivation & Riparian Restoration Project: slcgov.com/open-space/three-creeks-confluence-project


This article was originally published on July 1, 2017.