Metaphors, Regulars and Shorts

Metaphors for the Month: February 2014

By Suzanne Wagner

by Suzanne Wagner


Osho Zen Tarot: Comparison, Schizophrenia

Medicine Cards: Skunk, Hummingbird, Blank Shield

Mayan Oracle: Cimi, Manifestation, Polarity

Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Death, Two of Cups, Prince of Swords

Aleister Crowley Deck: Luxury, Knight of Cups, Prudence

Healing Earth Tarot: Nine of Shields, Seven of Crystals, Three of Shields

Words of Truth: Manipulation, Dreams, Exhaustion, Family


Entering February 2014, we are being taught some huge lessons regarding the nature of expansion.

There are moments when you know you have to make huge life-altering decisions and those decisions will tear down the safety and security that you had manifested and place you in a position where you have to find new ways to define, protect and create home.

Home is always within. It is not a place or circumstance. It is not a thing or object. It is a deep space of acceptance and knowing of who you are, mistakes and all, warts and all.

Your choices may or may not work for others. They may not even seem to work for you, either. But something is working. Something divine is attempting to realign you with a larger place for your growth and well-being, surrendering up your old self. After all, that old life could use a bit of refining. There is a beautiful pathway beyond the ego’s definition of who you presently are.

You cannot compare your path to another’s. You cannot assume the nature of other people’s lives when you are seeing them only from the outside. You are not privy to the intense upheavals of others’ personal pain and karmic hardship. When you are feeling exhausted, constrained and manipulated by circumstances in your life, do not presume you are alone Others have been there, and perhaps are right now, also. Your life supports movement in the ways you have decided are most important for you.

Now is the time to follow the path of grace and ease. However, what seems to be showing up is the opposite. Sometimes you have to confront that which is not working.

Why is it that we feel we have to struggle? Why is it so hard to simply accept what is presented and move on? Why is it so hard to choose what you need and want when that choice might upset others? Is it true love if you are selling out yourself and your own needs in order give the other what they need?

These are big questions this month. Patience, communication, permission and acceptance are what’s required to make the shifts necessary right now.

The key is really permission. I think love allows. I think deep love gives space for others to have experiences regardless of if we think they are right or wrong. I think when you love someone you allow them to make mistakes, make choices, try new things, expand themselves, and create options through experiences and trial and error.

Often we have a good idea but it is not realistic, practical or doable in that moment. Then, through repeated effort, we learn how to refine it until it becomes something unique and in alignment with our spirit.

This month you might find that you are tired of manipulating situations, people and circumstances to get your dream. You might be feeling exhausted from struggling. You might have to recalibrate your dream and find a less draining way.

This is a moment to find the new, emerging center. Follow the love and joy. Allow your gifts to be seen by others. Continue to search for more information and for those who are a part of your spiritual family.

You may feel caught between the old place and the new. But you are okay. You are safe. You hold keys within that you do not yet understand. What you need will come as you align yourself with the greater flow. But you’re not there yet.

Feel into the moment and let go of the patterns that limit expansion. Know that change can challenge your thinking patterns. Keep a compassionate heart for yourself and others. Take your time to find the most peaceful path.


This article was originally published on January 29, 2014.