Metaphors, Regulars and Shorts

Metaphors for the Month

By Suzanne Wagner

Time to get down to work. Take responsibility now.
—by Suzanne Wagner

Osho Zen Tarot: Celebration, Breakthrough
Medicine Cards: Rabbit, Elk
Mayan Oracle: Muluc, Adventurer’s Quest
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Seven of Disks, Queen of Cups
Aleister Crowley Deck: Strife, Wealth, Completion
Healing Earth Tarot: Eight of Rainbows, Hanged One
Words of Truth: Aloneness, Lovers, Exhaustion

So much is shifting this month. Jupiter is leaving the fiery position of Leo and enters Virgo. Jupiter doesn’t necessarily like the constrictive quality of Virgo; still, it’s going to be great for Virgos. The rest of us will have to pay attention to details and get organized. After all, Virgo is about work and service, requiring us to be meticulous about the patterns that need to be addressed in order for the expansion we seek.

Mercury is also in Virgo, so you may want to make some real shifts in the way of your health and well-being.

Each of you is on your own spiritual quest, As Saturn leaves Scorpio and goes solidly into Sagit­tar­ius till December of 2017, you will want to learn and grow in ways that call you to your personal path. You may decide to go back to school or begin a new health regimen. Regard­less, there is work to be done in your external world and adjustments will need to be made, requiring new structures in your life for you to be able to navigate it all.

Venus, retrograde and in a square with Saturn for the duration of the month, can give rise to tensions in romantic relationships, work associations or friendships. Pay attention to your inner peace meter and stay on top of your projections and reactions.

People may feel stressed and stretched. A Venus conjunction with Jupiter until August 11 may amplify everything, including unfortunate influences. Jupiter, opposing Neptune for the next year, can create a negative effect on issues related to justice, religion and education.

As you can see with the cards, there is cause for celebration and breakthrough on many levels. Use this energy to flow in the direction that will serve you in the long run. Don’t freeze in fear like the Rabbit but construct a steady pathway up that hill you know you need to climb. If you pace yourself, you will get to your goal eventually. Nothing will move fast but if you plan it out and accept the process, it will not be hard.

Living in the possibility is no longer enough. It is time to get down to work and make the necessary sacrifices so you can have the comfort and financial ease that you desire. For the next few years, the most calculating and consistent will make the most progress.

You may notice where you have conflict regarding money and long-term happiness. Resistance shows up as avoidance to doing what we need to do. This month is all about taking responsibility and going forward with intention to manifest what you want in the long term.

Yes, you will have to sacrifice some things in the short term to get what you deserve and desire in the long term. But it will be worth it.

It might also be a good idea to sit down and have a chat with your mate about your choices, needs, desires and longterm goals. Based on the astrology, everyone may feel they need a bit of attention so calculate some personal and yummy time into your plans. After all, Virgo is a passionate sign and it’s amazing how sometimes a bit of attention to your intimate connection is all you need to juice you back up and put your focus back in the game. u

Suzanne Wagner is the author of numerous books and CDs on the tarot and creator of the Wild Women app. She now lives in California, but visits Utah for classes and readings frequently.

This article was originally published on July 31, 2015.