Aquarium Age

Aquarium Age: February 12 – 18, 2020

By Ralfee Finn

Never have I welcomed a Mercury Retrograde as much as the one that begins on Sunday, February 16—really. I am eager for it simply because given the ongoing political and cultural upheaval nothing is or ever will be normal again, so it will be good to have a few weeks seasoned with Mercury Retrograde delays and detours disrupting the routines of daily life, requiring me to turn at least some of my attention away from the madness that has become the daily news. I realize that sounds a little cynical; after all, Mercury Retrograde is a firmly established modern sky myth that assumes life will be difficult, especially when it comes to communication and travel. Don’t get me wrong—retrograde hassles are sure to cause frustration and consternation, but I would rather deal with lost email, downed wifi systems, and one traffic jam after another than listen to the lies and diatribes clogging up the airwaves and wreaking havoc with my ability to stay focused on creating hopeful outcomes and remedies. So rather than bemoan the next few weeks, greet them with a positive attitude. A good mindset will go the distance despite whatever curve balls Mercury sends your way.

This is the first Mercury Retrograde of the year and the only one unencumbered by either Venus or Mars. Venus Retrograde begins on May 12 and lasts through June 27 and Mercury Retrograde begins on June 17, catching the tail end of Venus; Mars Retrograde begins on September 9 and lasts through November 11 (yes, through the election); and Mercury Retrograde begins on October 10 and ends on November 3—Election Day. Both of those Mercury Retrogrades are likely to be quite difficult, whereas the one that begins on Sunday and lasts until March 9 is mild in comparison. So back up your data today, not tomorrow, and be prepared for a retrograde phase you will remember fondly.

For those new to Mercury Retrograde, here’s the skinny: Mercury symbolizes all things related to communication and travel, and within the bounds of that vast domain, you will find email, contracts of every type, closing dates, and negotiations of all kinds as well as roadwork, detours, flight issues, etc., and every imaginable miscommunication. As if to remind me of the wild retrograde communique possibilities, I just received an email from someone telling me about his vacation—and it is someone I blocked a year ago—go figure!

Mars enters Capricorn on the same day that Mercury Retrograde begins, and because Mars represents ambition and assertion and Capricorn is the Sign of a sober devotion to excellence and success, Mars is likely to feel thwarted in its efforts to close the deal, if you know what I mean. So try to keep a level head as you run into obstructions, keeping in mind that when this retrograde ends, Mars will be conjunct Jupiter, both in Capricorn and all projects, large or small, will move into the fast lane.

Patience is the best strategy for the next several weeks—patience with others and also patience with yourself. We are all under a lot of stress right now and that tension easily translates into short fuses, so when possible do your best to avoid pushing yourself or others too hard. I know we need our best efforts, but we also need a chance to replenish our reserves—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It’s been a long, consistent slog of disappointment and heartbreak, and if those of us aligned with creating a planet where the good of all sentient beings is a priority are already exhausted, we won’t show up with our best game. So take a deep breath and greet this Mercury Retrograde with a good attitude that will allow you to take care of yourself by reviewing, reflecting and reconsidering what’s already in motion. As always, share that good intention with your fellow travelers and lend a helping hand where possible.

Sun Bursts:  If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries March 21-April 19
Mercury Retrograde takes place in your Solar House of psychology—or in the vernacular, all things mental—which means you have to be wary of succumbing to the brain worm, that famous mind parasite that compulsively chews on all the things you could have done. Use this phase to review, but avoid regret. Also pay attention to your dreams—they are likely to be busy with messages.

Taurus April 20-May 20.
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of community, so expect to be reconsidering how you participate with your fellow travelers in addressing the issues of your shared communal concerns. It won’t be easy to find the common ground with those whose views you oppose, but rather than despair, consider those interactions a chance to practice greater compassion.

Gemini May 21-June 21
Mercury Retrograde happens in your Solar House of career and recognition, which means you might have interactions with co-workers or employers from your recent as well as distant past. Pay attention to who shows up but also pay attention to how you show up. If there are no encounters use this phase to take an inventory of your behavior—it will help you move forward on the right foot.

Cancer June 22-July 22
Mercury Retrograde occurs in your Solar House of belief systems—religious, spiritual, philosophical, and all the other systems that form your worldview. Take your time with this process because it is an opportunity to get in touch with your most important and potent ideals. This isn’t about surrendering the tried and true; it’s about greater awareness of what principles matter and why.

Leo July 23-August 22
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of transformation, which means you’re going to go through a lot of changes, so get out your David Bowie playlist, “Turn and face the strange” and know that you and your world are shifting—whether you like it or not. Of course, you can also listen to Bowie’s “Heroes” for inspiration for finding the courage to face what lies ahead.

Virgo August 23-September 22
Mercury Retrograde happens in your Solar House of relationship, which makes it quite likely that you will be reflecting on all your partnerships, personal and professional. You might also hear from past partners who suddenly just have to tell you the real reason they disappeared or seemed to pull way. I’m not suggesting every answer will emerge, but there will be a lot to think about.

Libra September 23-October 22
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of health and service, putting the emphasis on how you care for yourself as well as how you care for others. Use this time to assess what you are handling well and what areas could use a little improvement. You don’t have to take on an entire overhaul, but if there are areas that need a little extra TLC, this would be a good time to do just that.

Scorpio October 23-November 21
Mercury Retrograde takes place in your Solar House of self-expression, so if there was ever a moment for digging out those unfinished stories, scripts, paintings, photographs, or other creative projects to see how you might finish one or two, this would be it. Take your time with this process and try to have fun with it. This is not about self-recrimination; it’s about self-appreciation.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Mercury Retrograde happens in your Solar House of the home, so start sorting through those closets, drawers, storage bins, and other places you’ve stashed things for the last who knows how long. Some of those old treasures could jump-start a trip down memory lane and depending where that leads, this process could be fun—or not. Make it fun by simply throwing out the bad trash.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
Mercury goes retrograde in your Solar House of communication, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself repeating everything at least twice. And because of that constant repetition, you just might find yourself growing increasingly impatient with those you think aren’t listening carefully. Please discard that judgment—everyone is so tired, hardly anyone can hear all that’s being said.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
Mercury Retrograde happens in your Solar House of resources, and that means money matters could be an issue. Pay attention to your bank and credit card balances and see if they would benefit from a review. Also reflect on how your self-esteem: do you apologize or get stressed when others criticize your point of view? Either way, an attitude adjustment might be a good remedy.

Pisces February 19-March 20
Mercury is retrograde in your Sign, which means it’s taking place in your Solar House of personality and that translates into an identity crisis. But there’s nothing to worry about. Mercury is simply asking you to consider how you want to present yourself to the world, so spend a bit of time during this phase contemplating what you would like to change about your public persona.

This article was originally published on February 12, 2020.