Regulars and Shorts

Coach Jeannette: September 2008

By Jeannette Maw

Law of attraction masters in our midst.
by Jeannette Maw
Would you guess there are deliberate creation masters living right under our noses? Beings who harbor an innate knowledge of how the world works, practicing the law of attraction day in and day out without formal instruction or long years of study?

Believe it or not, they’re all around us. Although we have a tendency to eventually train them out of their skills, they are gifted creators whose example we could learn much from.

Who are these mysterious LOA masters? They’re our children.

Our youngsters have an inborn understanding about the world and their role in it._Their biggest challenge is the rest of us, thinking we know better than they do and that it’s up to us to teach them the ways of the world. In fact, every September we press them to formal conditioning and indoctrination, as we send them "back to school."

You, too, were once a master of creating your own reality, until you were conditioned to believe differently. Many of us are relearning the truths we once knew; that there is no limit, nothing to fear, and that the world is a beautiful wonder._We are remembering that anything is possible, that we are powerful creators, and that love is who we are.

But our young children – they already live it. Who’s guiding who?

Once we learn about the law of attraction, many of us are excited to share the "newfound knowledge" with others, especially our children. We want them to know their thoughts are powerful and that they can create their own reality by focusing on what they want._We see how having this information early in life greases the wheels for future experiences.

And yet children don’t need to be taught how the world works._They have a natural, innate knowing that all is well, that their desires will be met, that there are no limitations and that everything is within their reach.

It isn’t so much we need to teach them the Law of Attraction as it is we just refrain from teaching them otherwise. Or better yet, let them show us what we’ve long forgotten.

Most parents, in fulfilling their custodial responsibilities, pass on to their offspring the same "truths" they learned from their parents: that it’s a harsh world we need protection from, where things are out of our control and can go wrong without warning, and that we need to be realistic about what’s possible._

But children know better. They know the world is a safe place, they naturally lean into joy, do what feels good, and easily appreciate life. It’s not until they’ve spent more time with us adults that they stray from their ability to love unconditionally and expect good things to unfold.

We might better serve our children by simply leaving them to their own devices, letting them hear and follow their own internal guidance, and refrain from passing along the limiting beliefs we learned along our own path.

"Leave them to their own devices?!" "Let them choose for themselves?!" The words alone inspire visions of chaos and terror for most parents.

"They’ll eat Lucky Charms morning, noon, and night-if they remember to eat! They’ll run rampant through the streets, not looking both ways, not avoiding strangers, getting licked on the face by dogs and grass stains on their clothes-if they’re even dressed!"

Chaos and terror, indeed. They would never go to school, never learn to make a living, never follow grandma’s good advice to marry a nice man and be a good mother._Right.


And yet, when children are allowed more say in their world, they often make wise choices for themselves. Kids are inclined toward healthy foods when they’re no longer deprived of choice. They have a thirst for learning, and when they’re allowed to listen to and follow their own guidance, they gravitate toward situations that serve them and avoid those that don’t.

Yes, it’s probably helpful that we teach them language and potty training, but if we looked to these little masters as our teachers instead of wayward beings who desperately need our guidance, we would likely find our own quality of life improving.

Living the Law of Attraction is often summed up with three simple steps: Ask, Believe, Receive. Those who live with young manifesting experts see wonderful models for this process. Children are born askers. They’re not shy about demanding what they want (until we teach them to be). They’ve not yet learned to doubt or fear that their desires won’t be met. And they easily let the good stuff in, not having learned to question their worthiness in receiving.

Our kids live outside the "rules," and have an organic ability to enjoy life. They play more naturally, love by default, and haven’t yet learned the "reality" of the world’s limitations. We think of them as naïve and in need of learning about and preparing for the real world-but what if we’re the ones who need preparing for the "real world"?

Spend time with a baby or toddler and it’s virtually impossible to miss their expertise in laughing for no good reason, enjoying the company of others, and expecting the world to yield their desires._Those who haven’t yet been ingrained with the "truth" of the world’s limitations have high expectations for their joy and usually get it.

Thank goodness these kids keep showing up to teach us what many have long forgotten!_

Except for …

 What about those sullen, withdrawn and ornery kids we all know?_ They definitely don’t fit the mold of naturally happy-go-lucky children described here as manifesting masters.

Perhaps these souls are our "quick learners"-the ones who swiftly integrated the messages we passed along. We adults are exceptionally gifted at training them out of their joy and teaching them the world is not a fun and easy place to be taken lightly._

After all, beds need to be made, homework must be completed, piano must be practiced, and church must be attended. This is the way of the world, and the sooner you get on board, the sooner you receive our love and approval.

And then, of course, are the older kids …

Not the teenagers!

Cheryl is a successful corporate executive and mother of three teenage girls._She wants to know how to teach her daughters to be less selfish._She complains they think only of themselves and need to learn to put others first if they expect to do well in the world.

It seems mothers in particular are well-trained (maybe even genetically encoded) to look after others before themselves._There certainly isn’t anything wrong with putting others first-unless we sacrifice our own truth and joy in the process._ The analogy of affixing your own airplane oxygen mask first is an apt one: we’re no good to anyone else if we don’t take care of ourselves first.

Cheryl’s teenage daughters are not so much in need of learning social graces; rather, I think they’re great role models!_They show their mom how to put herself first. Although it’s not a comfortable concept to one who’s been trained to put others first, the results speak for themselves._Who’s having a better time, mom or her girls? Mom’s suffering through a high-pressure job that leaves her little time for herself or the things she enjoys in life._Her girls, on the other hand, have a blast spending time with friends, enjoying their hobbies, and engaging in subjects that vitalize them while skipping the rest._

These kids haven’t yet learned the obligation of saying yes to things they don’t want to do. They trust life (or at least mom) will support their desires and enjoy waking up to the possibilities each new day holds.

No wonder they’re resistant to doing it mom’s way, whose life is filled with "have tos," "shoulds" and joyless responsibilities._Why would we want someone to follow in our unhappy footsteps when they’re already well-ensconced in a good time?

Obviously we don’t wish unhappy lives on our children._We just have a different perspective than they do, and we think ours is right!_We fear more, put ourselves-and our happiness-further down the priority list, and don’t have as strong a connection to joy and passion. (Is it any wonder the older we get, the more rigid and problematic our bodies become?)

Adult education

Who doesn’t envy the carefree days of childhood, with thoughts filled of friends and bikes and ice cream trucks? Adulthood doesn’t mean leaving happiness behind to take on the shackles of grown-up responsibilities. "Making a living" doesn’t have to be joyless, and we don’t have to wait till retirement to relax and enjoy life.

Practicing deliberate creation leads us to a life we love, where dreams come true effortlessly and each day is filled with more "feel goods." Our children already sit in that sweet spot, and we could learn much from their example.

When we engage the power of the Universe (by reconnecting with joy, trusting, believing and allowing), we experience the same happiness and delight as our kids._ Any thought that it can’t be that way is just a limiting belief passed down by someone who thought they knew better than us._ They didn’t know better._ Our kids do._

Let’s follow their lead and believe once again that good things surround us, trusting that more Let’s follow their lead and believe once again that good things surround us, trusting that more of the same lies ahead._Let’s remember we can have whatever we want and rejoice in the simple pleasures of life, naturally expressing our ability to love unconditionally._

And if you’d like instruction in how to proceed, don’t ask me. I’m busy apprenticing with my four-year-old neighbor._Today’s lesson: the many joys of potato bugs.

Jeannette Maw is a Law of Attraction coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching in Salt Lake City.

This article was originally published on September 1, 2008.