Coach Jeannette: March 2012

By Jeannette Maw

The top five vibe kickers and their antidotes.

1. We judge. Others, ourselves, siuations. Judgment is resistance, and it doesn’t (usually) feel good. There are times when there’s relief in judging, but it’s not usually long-lasting. This is a good habit to release in order to let your dreams come to fruition.

The antidote is to allow, allow, allow. (Even if you have to begin by allowing yourself to judge!)

2. We worry. We humans are gifted story tellers, and when we imagine a negative future, that vibration keeps us from manifesting what we want most. If you’ve got a habit of telling the negative story, it’s time to turn over a new leaf.

Antidote: hang out with Pollyanna, the optimistic child from the 1913 novel made famous by Hayley Mills. She’s the best in the business for seeing things in a positive light, and she will rub off on you.

3. We care too much what others think. If our own inner guidance isn’t running the show, we’re bound to run into a kink or two. Working to gain the approval of others is a sure fire way to sabotage your own desires and passions.

The antidote here is to practice caring less what others think and honor more of what your true self wants. It’s a self-reinforcing practice, so just getting started ensures your success. (Google “approval addiction” for resources.)

4. We don’t know when to drop it. One of my favorite tips from Abraham lately is to know when to get specific and when to “go general.” Many of us focus on what feels bad, when in actuality that’s a perfect time to stop focusing so specifically.

Antidote: when you’re feeling less than fab, entertain more general thoughts like “I’ve been through worse than this;” “It can’t last forever;” etc. Get out the magnifying glass when you’re in a good mood only.

5. We take it too seriously. Life really can be delicious when we learn to lighten up and enjoy. Did you read the top five regrets of the dying? It’s sure to inspire you to forge a different path.

Antidote: remember these words of wisdom: “If you’re too busy to enjoy life, you’re too busy.” Make time to laugh, play, and goof off. Watching Maru on YouTube is a great place to start!

Who is Abraham?

Because I quote Abraham so much, it seems wise to introduce those who aren’t already familiar with this invaluable law of attraction resource.

Abraham is a non-physical entity channeled by Esther Hicks. Abraham describes themselves (they use the plural, not the singular) as “a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension.”

Esther has been channeling Abraham for over 20 years and together they’ve created an enormous collection of material to support deliberate creators.

I personally consider Ask and It Is Given (by Abraham-Hicks) as the “bible” of law of attraction. There isn’t another source that rings more true for me. But that’s just me.

Not everyone is a fan of Abraham. And that’s perfect – we each have a different resonance with different material.

I remember the moment I knew Abraham was for me. In Ask and It Is Given I read this sentence: “You are not here to fix a broken world,” and I felt something shift inside me. I mean, I felt physically altered. It’s like my body cells heard the truth for the first time ever and never went back.

Because I prefer to give credit where it’s due, you’ll find me quoting them often. Not because I think everyone should listen to Abraham, or because I think they’re the ultimate source of all perfect and true information (you would want to go to your own inner guidance for that), but simply because I don’t want to pass their teachings off as my own.

Lots of folks who share material about manifesting (including me) learned most of what we know from Abraham-Hicks. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Lynn Grabhorn, Andy Dooley and Oprah, among others, have been open about their enthusiastic embracing of Abraham’s teachings. In others the connection is easy to spot (Martha Beck, Harrison Klein, Marci Shimoff).

Notable exceptions: Mike Dooley. Deepak Chopra. Gregg Braden. They’re manifesting heavyweights, but don’t seem to be plugged into Abraham.

Abraham isn’t the first to deliver this kind of material. Some folks are more familiar and comfortable with other earlier proponents of our power to create reality.

Abraham is also referred to as Abe, Esterham, Abraham-Hicks, and probably some other nicknames I don’t know.

You will find lots of info and resources including DVDs, CDs, books, online workshops, and more at

There are facebook groups, yahoo groups, online forums, YouTube videos and meetups all based on mutual love of Abraham.

Abraham is not without critics, and not everyone is comfortable with “channeled” information, but like I said, it sure floats my boat.

And that is who Abraham is.

This article was originally published on February 29, 2012.