Aquarium Age

The Aquarium Age: Sept. 27-Oct. 3

By Ralfee Finn

And so it goes…another week of global upheaval, chaos and confusion, along with polarized positions that display both the worst and the best in us, positions that resist any and all attempts at reasonable resolution. This is what daily life has become for many, and now it’s not just Mr. Trump and his gang of hungry ghosts at the epicenter of turmoil. Mother Nature has put her foot down, shifting the focus away from the needs of a few and toward the needs of too many—seemingly to make sure we focus on how to alleviate and heal the suffering of our fellow travelers, because so many—too many—are in such desperate need of help. It’s impossible to deny our interconnectedness and our interdependence in the face of such misery, and surely only the hardest of hearts would be immune or impervious to the cries for help from those stranded on that ocean of genuine need.

Many who are not suffering physically are dealing with mental, emotional, psychological, or spiritual overload and overwhelm and finding it hard to cope with what seems to be the end of the world. It’s so bad that Sunday’s New York Times had an article on how to survive the coming apocalypse.

Frankly (and on a lighter note), I thought it was a sign of the End Times when years ago Madonna offered Gwyneth Paltrow spiritual advice from the Kabbalah on how to handle the backlash to her emotional speech at the Academy Awards, saying it was just karma. (I know..that’s why it was a sign.) But I was wrong: When the New York Times publishes an article on what you’ll need for the End Times—specifically what survival gear to buy—that’s a sign that the end is near.

But of course, these are not the End Times and we are not moving toward the Rapture. These are difficult, extreme, unsettling, provocative, and downright scary times, and even though it feels as if the Earth is spinning out of control, we are in a process of transformation that is so deep we can’t see the bottom, and so wide we can’t see the edges, and so high we can’t see an end.  It’s individual as well as collective, and its scope is mind-blowing, given the realization that the only solution is evolution. We are the clear and present danger to ourselves, the greatest threat to our existence. Gaia knows how to take care of herself. We are in a process of deciding whether or not to facilitate our own extinction. It is an extraordinary time to be alive on Earth, but it is also incredibly stressful.

This week, the sky mirrors our polarized positions through the final opposition between Jupiter and Uranus, which is exact and separating, September 28. When hard aspects separate, we tend to feel the gist of their meaning as they release their tightly held positions. As many readers may recall, this planetary combination is interpreted as the sudden release of tension.  How that is likely to manifest in a world where so many tense positions are being tightly held, I have no idea. Will even more startling events add to the cacophony of suffering that surrounds so many? Will a conversation between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin surface? Will the Republicans push through their mendacious health care plan? Will good-hearted global citizens all around our world go on strike until their corrupt leaders have a change of heart? Or will all these things occur and many more—enough to trigger a tipping point in our collective consciousness? This exact opposition forms a square to the position of Pluto in the United States’ chart, signaling that whatever transpires now has a direct effect on the United States government in the years to come as we move inexorably toward the US Pluto Return in 2022.

Significantly, within a few Earth hours of Jupiter and Uranus separating, Pluto Direct begins, ending a retrograde phase that began on April 20, 2017. Pluto goes direct in a conjunction to the Moon, also in Capricorn, which translates into an intense emotional time for just about everyone. Anticipate a rough couple of days as the tension that’s been building since the start of this year (when the Jupiter/Uranus opposition began) finally begins to let go. I don’t think this release will necessarily solve all our problems, but it will help many gain a greater sense of clarity about what needs to happen next.

This week, it’s important to remember that we are but specks of life in an infinite universe, and as our souls stream together through space, love makes our shared ride much more fun. So when possible, reach out to your fellow travelers with an open heart, even if you disagree, and continue to work on finding compassionate solutions to our very real problems.

Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries March 21-April 19
I think it’s necessary to remind you that the gods are watching and they see your Herculean efforts to transform, and from their transcendent vantage point it’s easy for them to assume you will succeed at all the tasks they’ve given you. Unfortunately, from your perspective it’s all too easy to lose heart as well as confidence. Please don’t give up—it’s only a few more laps to the finish line.

Taurus April 20-May 20
You can howl at the Moon and finally make enough noise to be heard above the din of drama, or you can sequester yourself away from the hubbub and wait to be heard after the air clears. The latter choice sounds easiest, but sometimes throwing your head back and letting those primal tones move from the inside out can effectuate a great and profound healing.

Gemini May 21-June 21
It’s never easy to show up, stay in the moment and be unattached to outcome. Most of us either have a monkey mind that wants to swing from one thought to another, or we have a specific agenda to implement at almost any cost. But if you can still your mind long enough to take a deep breath, the universe will seize that opening and offer the perfect solution to all that ails.

Cancer June 22-July 22
Sometimes finding the strength to say no requires extra effort and determination, but saying yes can also be difficult, especially if you’re afraid of making a mistake. The good news is that there aren’t any mistakes to be made. You’re simply being asked to show up and be you—all you, all the time. Accept that challenge and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to just let go and be.

Leo July 23-August 22
Make humor your constant companion, because even though it’s always healthy to laugh at life’s ironies, at this particular moment in your life, finding the cosmic joke goes a long way toward soothing your nervous system and preserving your mental health, even in the midst of madness. Find the funny and you’ll find the strength to cope with just about everything.

Virgo August 23-September 22
Trying to control the changes occurring in your life would be like trying to keep your eyes open when you sneeze. So rather than attempting the impossible and quite possibly harming yourself in the process, consider that everything that’s happening was set in motion during a time of lesser awareness. And instead of regretting that lack of awareness, be thankful you’ve grown.

Libra September 23-October 22
The focus this week is still on gathering wisdom, except that this week, you’re gathering it through conversations, dialogues and discussions with significant others, and not just romantic partners. Siblings, cousins and even children could play a big role informing and expanding your understanding of what it means to be connected deeply and lastingly to those you love. So pay attention to what’s said—you’re going to learn a lot!

Scorpio October 23-November 21
Make authenticity your mantra—and make it a way of life by speaking your heart and speaking your mind. I’m not suggesting that you have to give voice to every thought that travels through your mind—although that might happen. I’m simply advising you to be true to yourself and align thought, word and deed. If you do that and walk your talk moving through the days will be much easier.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
The planets are playing silly love songs as they are simultaneously opening up new ways of singing the same old song. Notice where you might be mired or addicted to a one way and one way only understanding love, and then do your best to find an antidote that will open your heart to new possibilities. This isn’t about something being wrong; this is about how you can grow.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
You may feel as if you’re lost in a deluge of mundane tasks, all of which need your attention and none of which capture your imagination—and you’re at a loss about how to muster enough interest to get the job done. Consider this: Sometimes life is just a series of boring tasks, and that’s just fine because the boredom offers a respite from the seemingly endless melodramas that have become modern life.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
Get out your Tarot deck and look for the Hanged Man card. Meditate on that card until you figure out a way to turn a current uncomfortable situation on its head. Your insight could be instant or it could take a little while. If you’re resistant taking a new perspective, notice what triggers that response and use that information for the next phase of personal growth.

Pisces February 19-March 20While I can’t be sure about what needs to transform, I am certain that you are in a deeply transformational process and that you may be resistant to letting an old pattern die—it’s hard to change a tried and true position, especially if it was created to be a comfort or a protection. But all things eventually shift and this is a moment to allow that transition to occur.

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This article was originally published on September 27, 2017.