The surreal quality of daily life persists—we’re in the Mars Retro zone, a peculiar type of time warp where some things happen at a slo-mo rewind pace and others, at the speed of light. We’re also in the eclipse zone, where the world’s wobbles—mostly emotional, at least for this week— ripple across the collective pond, often resulting in startling tsunamis or devastating droughts. The combined effect of these overlapping dimensions exacerbates daily life which already feels more like an episode from Twilight Zone than it does any previously recognizable day-to-day reality.
Of course, we’ve been surviving in a bad acid trip for so long—since November 8, 2016 to be exact—some might not even notice the recent increased intensity, but those paying close attention are probably even more rattled than usual, which means there’s also an increased need for self-care. Most of us weren’t taught how to self-soothe, but don’t let that stop you from trying. Pay attention: The stresses and strains of coping with a world spinning out of control could irritate old issues you thought were long gone. An appetite for old survival mechanisms—drinking, drugging, shopping, and all the other activities you once used to alleviate stress but eventually gave up because they actually only made matters worse—could rear its addictive head. If the cravings return, ask for help. This is not the time to go it alone.
For those new to these pages, Mars Retrograde began on June 26 and it ends on August 27. Mars signifies muscles and movement, and when it seemingly shifts into reverse, our ability to move forward in just about any area of life happens in fits and starts—one moment the world is moving at a snail’s pace and the next, plans and projects are moving so swiftly, it feels as if any moment you might careen off a cliff. This uneven pace is going to continue all summer long, so keep breathing your way through any obstacles you encounter along the path or any frustration you experience trying to deal with those problems.
Keep in mind as you work your way through this two-month retrograde that Mars also symbolizes a fighting spirit, ready, willing, and mostly able to take a stand. That fighting spirit is certain to be on display during this retrograde, for several of reasons, not the least of which is when Mars has to move behind instead of ahead, it gets prickly and lots of little things easily morph into much bigger issues. Be cautious about starting a small skirmish about something insignificant—you know, squabbling over putting the top back on the toothpaste or squeezing the tube from the bottom. Those seemingly unimportant disagreements are often symptoms of a divide far greater than bathroom protocol and this wouldn’t be the wisest time to open up discussions about divorce.
From the collective perspective, Mars stays within close range of its square to Uranus all summer and then some. This square began May 1, was exact for the first time when Uranus entered Taurus on May 15 and will be exact again August 2 and September 19—twice more—before it technically ends October 1. A Mars/Uranus square is never easy. Uranus is the rebel, with or without a cause; squares indicate fractious interactions, and because both Mars and Uranus represent energy, their squares tend to be explosive and violent. Significantly, those explosions are usually motivated by a need to break free from whatever enslaves, whatever the cost. We know it is going to be a long, difficult summer, so try not to add to the already highly charged atmosphere by blowing up just because it feels good to blow off steam.
A solar eclipse takes place late in the day on July 12 EDT, early morning on July 13 GMT. The on-going Mars/Uranus square is part of this eclipse signature, and even though the square is wide at the time of the eclipse, it is still powerful. During a solar eclipse, the Moon overshadows the Sun. Modern astrology interprets the symbolism of this event as unconscious concerns overriding conscious ones, and as a result, reactions turn deeply emotional. This solar eclipse is especially fraught with feeling because it occurs at 20° 41’ Cancer, the Sign of the mother, home, and the longing to belong. We know that an eclipse effect can be felt six weeks prior to the actual event as well as six weeks after, which it is why it is possible to frame what’s happening to children and families at the borders of the United States, as well as the swell of protests about that situation, as part of this eclipse effect.
What’s more, this week there is a Grand Trine in Water—the Sun, in Cancer, trines Jupiter, in Scorpio, and both are in a trine to Neptune, in Pisces—which indicates a fairly high emotional tide for the next 11 days taking us straight through the lunar eclipse of July 13. But that’s not all. Jupiter goes direct on July 10 and the forward motion of that expansive and excessive bright light is sure to push the emotional waves of the week even higher. So take a deep breath and expect that lots of our fellow travelers are going to be highly sensitive for the next couple of weeks, especially with children and animals, who feel the energy and often channel it, but are at a loss to articulate exactly what they are experiencing.
And there’s more: There’s a lunar eclipse on July 27 (the day after Mercury Retrograde begins) which packs and even more powerful emotional wallop than the solar eclipse. During this lunar eclipse, Mars conjuncts the Moon as the Moon opposes the Sun and both square Uranus. It is as intense as it sounds and for the next several weeks, we are building to this crescendo, which unfortunately is just one in a number of this summer’s tsunamis. More about the details of this eclipse in the weeks to come.
As you attempt to ride these astral waves, do your best to pay attention to what’s happening around you. Each day we are moving toward the awareness that each of us is just one individual thread in the fabric of the collective and each of our decisions effects everyone around us. We may not see the immediate result, but that doesn’t mean our efforts are in vain. Daily, more and more of our fellow travelers are waking up and beginning to participate in life with new awareness of our fundamental interconnectedness. As you celebrate Independence Day, declare yourself free from the notion that anyone or anything exists independently. Then honor that interdependence with a commitment to causing no harm to any sentient being.
Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.
Aries March 21-April 19
Your mission, should you accept it, is finding a way to move through the tumult without engaging in battle. Given your fighting spirit, this is easier said than done, but if you make a commitment to yourself to make love instead of war, you’ll emerge from this phase victorious.
Taurus April 20-May 20
Have the courage to trust your hunches and honor your intuition. I’m not advising you to bet all the money you have at the track, but I am suggesting that you acknowledge the depth of your insights. Sometimes we know things simply because we are listening to the wisdom of our heart.
Gemini May 21-June 21
Contemplate how to find a path of moderation through the current madness of extremes and you’ll have a much easier time staying on course. You don’t necessarily have to forfeit your opinions, you just have to be willing to admit that some situations can’t be fixed.
Cancer June 22-July 22
You’re going to need your sense of humor to season absolutely everything you think, say, or do for the next several weeks. So set your inner antennae on funny and be determined to find the silly, sweet, raucous, raunchy, or just plain ridiculous in every situation and let laughter be your guide.
Leo July 23-August 22
Try not to let external intensities throw you off balance—you can’t fix every situation and no one is asking you to—but you can learn how to hone your inner skill, harness these potent forces, and apply them creatively to areas of your life in need of transformation. It won’t be easy, but it will be worthwhile
Virgo August 23-September 22
This is a really good cosmic moment to consider your options—what you want to create and how you want to create it—but you have to put aside negative thinking to make the most of it. So rather than devolve into all the reasons you can’t, evolve into all the reasons you can—and should.
Libra September 23-October 22
Despite the waves of change pounding on the shores of daily life, you have opportunities to make solid tangible financial gains. Just be aware this isn’t about a gambling windfall or a get-rich-quick scheme. These opportunities are about applying what you’ve learned about abundance.
Scorpio October 23-November 21
Embrace your spiritual passion whether it is meditation, trance dancing, mountain climbing, chanting, or any other form of devotional expression that allows you to acknowledge and commune with your deep appreciation for Spirit. Immersion in the divine is the perfect antidote for the vicissitudes of reality.
Sagittarius November 22-December 21
You can indulge your addictive appetites and for a brief moment dispel your concern about the world at large. You can grab the tiger by the tail and refuse to be daunted by despair or distress. Or, if you aren’t affected by the turmoil in the world, you can just keep on doing what you’re doing—it’s working.
Capricorn December 22-January 19
The key to making it through the current tumult is your ability to keep an open mind that can objectively assess your situation with a clarity that refuses to devolve into harsh judgment about what others will think of your choices. Give up your need to control the outcome and create a wide range of possibilities.
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Truly powerful people are well aware of their limitations and don’t try to do what they know they can’t do well. Follow that lead by letting go of all the plans and projects you took on but can’t follow through on because they aren’t part of your skill set, and instead concentrate on what you do best.
Pisces February 19-March 20
Be the positive agent of change you were meant to be and focus your energies on encouraging and inspiriting others to use their creative superpowers for the good. You may not be able to change the world in one day, but you will certainly change your world quickly by holding fast to a positive point of view.