Aquarium Age

The Aquarium Age: Jan. 3-9

By Ralfee Finn

2018 kicks off with Uranus Direct: a nonstop thrill-a-minute start to 2018, so fasten your seat belt and be sure to attach your ET antennae because since January 2 when Uranus began its forward motion, we began moving at light speed, traveling to galaxies both distant and near, known and unknown, and finishing up a seven-year journey that turned the world upside down and inside out. Uranus is heading toward its entry into Taurus on May 18 at maximum warp speed, and as if to hasten the pace, for the next nine weeks all the planets are direct—nothing interferes with this Uranian mission. ‘Round about March 9 Jupiter Retrograde begins and on March 23 Mercury starts its first retrograde of the year, and while those two retrograde phases are certain to alter our perception of time zones, it’s unlikely to affect Uranus. As you venture forth into 2018 anticipate even more startling events. Uranus is, after all, the astral symbol for surprising plot twists, and that translates into even more reversals of fortune, individual and collective, over the next several months. By the way…that’s why you will need your ET antennae—lots of sub-signals with important messages are going to create a truly multidimensional quality to the regular routines of daily life.

But before Uranus can begin its new journey into Taurus, it needs to end its journey through Aires which began in May 2010 and finally settled into full force in March 2011. Uranus is the Greek sky god who throws lightning bolts of illumination into stagnant waters. Sometime he is a rebel with or without a cause, which makes the turmoil and tumult of his transits seem arbitrary. But his influence is seldom capricious. Uranus signifies a revolutionary force for innovative change. For the last seven years as Uranus transited Aries, the Sign of individuation, many of us witnessed or experienced the call to shift out of what no longer served and into a greater awareness of the power of an individual to change the world. Unfortunately, Mr. Trump turned out to be the negative icon for that power. It will be interesting to see if the aggregation of aware individuals—people committed to our interconnectedness who formed the many, many resistance movements of 2017—will harness enough power to counter his pernicious agenda.

During its transit through Aries, Uranus formed seven squares to Pluto that took place from 2012 – 2015. Pluto signifies change at the core—death and rebirth—and as its potent power collided with the Uranian need for change, issues of social justice dominated the zeitgeist. (For more about the particulars of those squares, please search the archives on this site.) One could argue quite convincingly that the current upheaval is a response to what those earlier years set in motion, for the world experienced the power of the combined revolutionary force of Uranus and Pluto. From a personal perspective it would be a valuable exercise to reflect on what was set in motion in your life during those years and what continues to ripple across the pond of daily life.

As part of this full-speed-ahead process, Uranus Direct reviews all the degrees it previously revisited during its retrograde that began on August 3, 2017. Yes, that does mean we’re in for another pass of what Mr. Trump and his Gang of Hungry Ghosts set in motion—and even if that’s depressing, it is still beneficial. There is a deep strategy behind his madness and much more of it is certain to be revealed during the coming months. Try to remember that these mendacious acts are catalyzing a profound resistance to their greed and hatred. It may take a while for the positive forces to coalesce into an obvious unified movement, but it is only a matter of time. From a personal perspective if you made impulsive decisions over the last several months, you just might have a change of heart, so be prepared for changing minds, yours or others’.

Uranus Direct began with a trine to Mercury, a positive combination that symbolizes inspired thinking capable of conceptual leaps. And today and tomorrow, as the Moon, in Leo, joins the team, there’s a Grand Trine, in Fire, which fills the air with passion and the need to express that passion creatively. Make good use of this intensity by channeling its force into what you love.

That channeling might be easier than you think because this week we’re also under the influence of a Venus/Sun conjunction, in Capricorn, another positive interaction that fosters the ability to turn creative inspiration into actual, tangible forms. Just a word of caution: If you’re working with a creative team, try not to get involved with power struggles over whose ideas are best. A Sun/Pluto conjunction also contributes to the force field this week, and that combination almost always indicates a need for control and recognition. A Mars/Jupiter conjunction, in Scorpio, sextiles Pluto, providing the stamina to work almost non-stop to get any job done, so think about what it is you would like to create and then aim your efforts at getting the job done. All of these interactions benefit from the potent force of Uranus Direct.

Seize this astral moment and get a good start to your New Year. Yes…Mr. Trump and his Gang of Hungry Ghosts are going to continue their destructive behavior—at least until the Extraterrestrials land—but until that decisive moment, it’s up to us Earthlings to generate a positive collective consciousness that will neutralize the incessant negativity put in motion through their ignorance. Make karma neutral your personal goal for the year: Do no harm. Don’t engage in negativity. And when at all possible, reach out to others in kindness, compassion and love.

Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries March 21-April 19
The next few months are a whirlwind of activity and life promises to be anything but boring. You’re going to need stamina and strength to withstand the momentum, which translates into a deep need for clarity of body, mind and heart. Do whatever it is you do to gather your internal resources so you can manage the external intensity.

Taurus April 20-May 20
You’re inspired to search for a new way of looking at an old and perplexing dilemma—have at it, and while you’re at it, look in places you might have previously dismissed. I’m not suggesting the answer has been there all the time. I’m simply advising you to realize that the quest you’re on is a process, and one that would benefit from an unconventional perspective.

Gemini May 21-June 21
Be willing to engage in a wide range of conversations with all sorts of people, especially those you might otherwise dismiss as not quite up to your level—whatever that means. In other words, branch out and be willing to dialogue with those who do not share the same views or even speak the same language. If you make an effort, you might find you have more in common than you realize.

Cancer June 22-July 22
It is about relationship and figuring out how to handle differences of opinion, value and style. Instead of insisting that everyone follow your model and your rules, open up to the possibility that there are other models that might actually serve you better. This isn’t about abandoning what matters to you. It’s about realizing that it’s possible to be intimate with others even when you don’t agree.

Leo July 23-August 22
There’s no reason to apologize for your ambition—yes, you do want to rule the world because you would be a benevolent despot who wants everyone to be happy. Unfortunately, that version of reality only exists in an alternate universe. But while you are journeying through this one, you can use your generosity of spirit—which is a superpower—to help others experience greater joy.

Virgo August 23-September 22
I’m not quite sure how to encourage your optimism other than to remind you that time heals all wounds. You will eventually restore your reserves and find a positive way to contextualize the situation. Yes, it’s been tough, but just as another cliché always reminds us: The darkest hour is just before dawn. Stay on the field, don’t give up, and rather than expect a miracle, demand one.

Libra September 23-October 22
There’s no need to shy away from intense conversations with significant others—you’ve nothing to hide and only positive ground to gain, especially if you’re willing to speak from your heart, openly and honestly. It doesn’t matter whether these partners are personal or professional—you’ve forged a strong relationship with yourself that allows you to be authentic and true.

Scorpio October 23-November 21
You’re in an exciting phase that is both potent and powerful because it enables you to move into action with ease. There’s no need to doubt your next moves—all that’s required is a deep trust in yourself. You’ve been ruminating on the necessary next steps and your strategy is well-thought-out. Be confident, be assertive, and be thankful you’ve come this far.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Your internal GPS has locked onto exactly the best way to get from A to Z, so rather than struggle, listen closely to your intuition even if it seems to be taking you on a circuitous route. The most important part of this journey is behind you. Now it’s time to apply what you’ve learned by taking positive action that will lead you steadily toward your goals.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
You are entirely in the leadership role for the next several years, and while that might sound great, it is actually a position of great responsibility. Rather than be plagued by self-doubt, it’s important to be steady and confident in your choices. This is not about following a whim—it’s about relying on experiential knowledge and knowing to ask for help when you need it.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
Make the most of this moment by engaging in interactions with the people who matter most to you—the people you can rely on to tell you the truth. It’s not that you are in dire need of guidance—although most of us can use reliable advice. It’s simply a matter of hearing yourself through the ears of those who genuinely care about you and appreciate your process.

Pisces February 19-March 20
The emphasis is on work, which is an interesting start to the year, mostly because it requires you to assess your goals and see what you want to accomplish next. Even if you are unemployed or retired, spend some time contemplating how you would like to spend your time: What would bring you the greatest joy? The deepest satisfaction? A profound sense of satisfaction?

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This article was originally published on January 3, 2018.