Aquarium Age

The Aquarium Age: August 17-23

By Ralfee Finn

Several potent planetary interactions coalesce to form an interesting week. It’s more than likely you’ll feel pulled in several directions simultaneously by these dynamic configurations. And while it’s not quite a marathon—we’ve seen busier and tougher weeks—managing this week’s flux requires the skill to handle more than a few challenges. So take as many deep breaths as necessary, and when possible, as many rest and relaxations moments as you can. You’ll need your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies to be in prime condition.


The ongoing Sun/Uranus trine was exact on August 16, and now as this positive alignment separates, we can expect even more drama. Don’t forget…this is the Sun, in Leo, and Uranus, in Aries, both Fire Signs with a penchant for performance. Their combined heat creates a desire for liberation from any situation that inhibits uncensored free expression, and that desire is often personified from an astrological perspective as a free-spirited revolutionary freedom fighter. We’ve been in the grip of this combination for the last ten days, and now as it pulls apart, some are likely to feel even more intensely inspired to break free from ties that bind, negative or not, real or imaginary.

Don’t be surprised if even the meekest make full-throated declarations of independence, especially on August 18, when the Full Moon, in Aquarius, opposes the Sun, in Leo, and sextiles Uranus, in Aries. Full Moons are notorious for emotional displays. Mr. Trump’s Mars, in Leo, is close to the exact degree of this Full Moon, so it’s likely he will make even more dramatic statements, if that’s even possible.

A Mars/Saturn conjunction, in Sagittarius, is the second significant influence for the week. This conjunction—in any Sign—is generally viewed as a pernicious signature, if only because the qualities of Mars and Saturn are at odds with each other: Mars wants to move; Saturn wants build. Mars wants to explore; Saturn wants to inhibit. At the negative end of the spectrum, this conjunction is about a tendency toward destructive energy which often manifests as physical injury. At the positive end of the spectrum, this combination finds redemption in the ability to endure hard work. Use the power of this conjunction wisely.

A Mercury/Jupiter conjunction, in Virgo, is the third important configuration of the week—and we love this conjunction because it’s all about good common sense that has the ability to reason through all sorts of obstacles. Mercury is Virgo’s Ruling Planet, and when it’s in its Home Sign, Mercury is happy, happy, happy, and in this case, free to commingle with Jupiter, the planet of great good fortune. Virgo is the Sign of ecology; it’s where we recognize the interconnectedness of all life forms. And the presence of these two benevolent forces—Mercury and Jupiter—in the Sign of the environment should stimulate greater concern about climate issues, as well as an appreciation of positive ideas and expansive plans that foster good attitudes toward the environment.

A Venus/Pluto trine continues to stir deep desires for love, especially romantic longings and liaisons. This trine doesn’t last long; it’s been in effect since Sunday, August 14 and only lasts until Monday, August 22. So gather ye rosebuds while ye may…or something like that.

Mercury begins its next retrograde phase in thirteen days, on August 30, which means there’s plenty of time to back up everything that needs backing up. Early warnings are only worthwhile when we pay attention and follow through.

As the week unfolds and you feel the urge to break free and break through old patterns inhibiting your free expression, try to find a revolutionary approach to revolution. What would a new paradigm of change look like? Would it include kindness and compassion? Care for Planet Earth? What are the values and principles that can unify our efforts to make the world a better place for all of us?  And most importantly, how can we apply those attitudes and make a difference?

Sun Bursts: If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries March 21-April 19
Don’t even try to resist your desire to lose yourself in something bigger than just yourself. Finding a higher purpose isn’t only about sacrifice and hard work. Finding a higher purpose can also be about a joyous appreciation of love and beauty, especially a devotion to both.

Taurus April 20-May 20
It’s about having the common sense to have fun, even and especially if you’re immersed in a serious situation. I’m not suggesting you be frivolous or cavalier. I’m simply advising you to make time to replenish and refresh what just might be your weary spirit.

Gemini May 21-June 21
You can “duke it out” with significant others in the hope of finding resolution, or you can devote yourself to home improvements. Channel your extra energy into cleaning closets, organizing cabinets and moving furniture. This isn’t about capitulation; it’s about conflict management.

Cancer June 22-July 22
It’s the perfect opportunity to say what you feel and think, so rather than dwell in the abstract, trust your gut and come straight from the heart. You don’t have to manipulate the situation to create a desired outcome. You simply need to speak your truth directly, clearly and honestly.

Leo July 23-August 22
There are tangible, practical gains to be made if you can figure out how to apply a no-nonsense but common sense attitude toward your finances. I’m not suggesting you go on a budget, although a spending plan is never a bad idea. I’m suggesting you make a grounded plan about money—and stick to it.

Virgo August 23-September 22
Don’t hesitate to strut your stuff: This is your hour upon the stage, and it’s important to make the most of it. So apply all your ability to notice the details, and then delineate those specifics through an expanded point of view that includes all aspects of your plan.

Libra September 23-October 22
Your head is filled with ideas—and some of them are actually really, really good. Write them down, make a plan, and think about how to bring some of those brilliant insights to fruition. You may not be able to shepherd each one to a home port, but the ones you concentrate on will flourish.

Scorpio October 23-November 21
My best advice: Turn your money anxiety over to No-Freti, the ancient Egyptian goddess of no-worry. And instead of chewing on plans that require hard labor and just give you an achy jaw, relax with friends and simply enjoy the comfort of community. A solution will eventually appear.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Continue to hold your tongue: The Mars/Saturn conjunction in your Sign could convince you to use your words like swords, but that would not be the best use of your wisdom, and it will only engender animosity from those less loquaciously adept. Be compassionate and bide your time.

Capricorn December 22-January 19
It’s a choice: Compulsively chew on the bad news, or search for alternate solutions that are practical and optimistic. Sounds like an easy fix, but the situation is far too complex to be remedied by bandaids. Be willing to face the whole truth and you’ll find what you’re looking for.

Aquarius January 20-February 18
Read Leo, above, and add this: The goal of your financial exploration is determining how you can make the most of your situation without losing sight of your long-term goals. Your financial strength lies in your ability to stay disciplined and focused on what you want to accomplish.

Pisces February 19-March 20
The challenge is staying practical and grounded in the midst of so many emotional moments. Breathe deeply, as many times as necessary, and with each breath remind yourself that you have the skill to handle your innate sensitivity. Each encounter of the heart is an opportunity to refine your gifts.

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This article was originally published on August 18, 2016.